Author Archives: MiriSusanna

【環島逍遙遊】12-08。高雄-愛河夜景-美麗島站 GaoXiong – Love River – Dome of Light


The night scene at the Love River (wikipedia) is what you can’t miss in your journey in GaoXiong. After KenDing tour, we went to ShouShan to have a bird view of GaoXiong city. Then we turned back to the Love River to have our dinner and enjoy beautiful scenery. At last, we finished our wonderful day at Metro station Formosa Boulevard Station, the most beautiful design station in Taiwan.
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【環島逍遙遊】12-08。墾丁(完)風吹沙-鵝鑾鼻-歸途 FengChuiSha – ELuanBi lighthouse – back to GaoXiong


This is the last part of KenDing one day trip. We went to FengChuiSha and ELuanBi. Then we began our way back to GaoXiong. Continue reading

【德國初秋】02-10。萊茵河畔古堡 Marksburg am Rhein(上)


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