Tag Archives: 城堡 Castle

20141205。布雷達剪影 Park Valkenberg, Breda


今天,從恩荷芬坐火車到布雷達巡店。在火車站與市中心之間有座漂亮的公園Park Valkenberg,原是布雷達城堡的花園。回程經過公園時,看到少見的雞群(一般都是鴨子、天鵝、候鳥之類)。當時氣溫大概攝氏五度,邊走邊拍,就這樣遇到了超級溫馨的母子圖。
Today, after visiting our store at Breda Centrum, I walked back to Breda Staion to take the train. I met this warmful family at Valkenberg Park nearby the Breda Castle.
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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。比利時納慕爾城堡 Citadel of Namur, Belgium


The Citadel or Castle of Namur was the last stop of our trip with my classmate from Taiwan. Namur in French, or Namen in Dutch, is a city at southern Belgium, the capital of Wallonia. The Citadel of Namur is a fortress at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers and has held a strategic position in the heart of Europe.
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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (2) Avio to Passo Del Tonale

We departed to Alps at North Italy at 9:30am, but we started to have the feeling that we’re closed to Alps around 16pm. Although we spend most of the time on highway, but the last 5 hours journey became more and more interesting as the altitude bacame higher and higher.
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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (1) Opatija to Avio, Trentino

離開了蔚藍的克羅地亞,我們開始往阿爾卑斯山脈奔去。接下來的三天,走的都是起伏不平的高海拔地帶,我們刻意挑了很多次道來走,當然也不失所望,給我們這次暑假來了精彩的後半段。這天,7月17日,我們從克羅地亞的奧帕蒂亞出發,進入意大利後,朝它北邊、接近瑞士邊界的Passo dello Stelvio前進,全程約630公里,花了近十二個小時才抵達目的地。
Leaving Croatia, we began our journey to the Swiss Alps. The coming three days, we would travel at high sea level area, and we have chosen some secondary roads in the mountain area to enjoy the great sights of Alps. The first day, 17 July, we travelled from Opatija to Passo dello Stelvio which is located at the north of Italy and closed to the border of Switzerland. The distance is about 630km and we took almost 12 hours to finish the  journey. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (2) Pag Island to Senj, Croatia

到Otok Pag的最北端Lun之後,我們折返島的中部乘Prizna – Žigljen線的渡輪回到陸地,然後續海岸公路往北到古城塞尼。
After arriving Lun at the north of Pag Island, we turned back to the centre part of the island to take the ferry Prizna – Žigljen to return to mainland. Then we continued our way to north to Senj, an old town at the  west coast of Croatia. Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。再遊特羅吉爾 Again in Trogir, Croatia

Compare with Split, Trogir is a small town. Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特之戴克里先宮 Split, Croatia (2) Diocletian’s Palace

Diocletian’s Palace is the landmark of Split and one of the world’s cultural heritage. As we could not join any boat tour to the islands nearby Split, we decided to enjoy our time by walking around in this old city area.  Continue reading

13-04。古老的防衛城 Willemstad

Willemstad,位於Noord Brabant省,是座古老的防衛城。我們和琪莉約在這裡碰面,吃了晚餐,還去繞城一圈。
Willemstad is located in province North Brabant, is  a small historical town with well preserved fortifications. We have had our dinner here and then we took a walk around the town. Continue reading