Tag Archives: CLO

20181216。南美拉丁之聖誕音樂會 Noche Paz 2018 bij CKE Eindhoven (1)


聖誕前夕,恩荷芬拉丁美洲團體Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO)在CKE舉辦Noche Paz聖誕音樂會。此次音樂會有拉丁風的合奏團Semilla、男高音Jorge Martina、鋼琴家Harold Martina、拉丁傳統服裝和兒童音樂劇“耶穌的誕生”等的演出,體現拉丁美洲的熱情與團結、以及聖誕節日氣氛。臨時受好友邀約,給這次的表演拍活動照片。
Op 16 december 2018, Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO) heeft het kerstconcert “Noche Paz” georganiseerd bij CKE Eindhoven. Aan dit concert werken het ensemble Semilla, het Ensemble Daniel Fanego, de tenorsolist Jorge Martina, de pianist Harold Martina, Familie Flores en vrijwilligers mee. Op het einde was een muzikale voorstelling van de kinderen “Pesebre de Belén” onder de choreografie van Iván Rodríguez. Hieronder zijn de activiteitfotos van dit Latijns-Amerikaanse kerstconcert. Continue reading

20180610。International Festival Eindhoven 2018 (1) 活動照片


昨天,在恩荷芬The Hub舉行的2018年國際嘉年華圓滿結束。受CLO的邀請,我給這次嘉年華拍了活動照片,分八輯上傳分享。
Yesterday, International Festival Eindhoven 2018 is successful organized by NewBaseProjects with supports from Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO), The Hub Eindhoven and Gemeente Eindhoven. The event’s pictures will be shared in 8 posts as followed:

Whole event photos: Part 1 (this post), Part 2
Plus 6 subsets of shows’ pictures:
迷你遊行 Mini Parade
快閃機械酷舞 Flashmob EMOVES
印度舞蹈 Indian Dance by Sonali
熱情森巴 Escola de Samba Os Malandros
挑戰饒舌 Global Goals Rap Challenge by Jermain Bridgewater
哥倫比亞熱舞 Colombian Dance by Grupo Colombia
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20180310。恩荷芬國際婦女日活動 International Women’s Day celebration in Eindhoven (1)


The C. L. O. (The Latin American Center for Orientation) has organized this year (for the fifth time) the celebration of International Women’s Day in Eindhoven on Saturday 10 March 2018 at the Parktheater Eindhoven. These are the photos of this wonderful event. Continue reading