Category Archives: L 2018

20180717-0917。賞鳥合輯 Birds & Nature (1)


大前天在家回味用Nikon P900難得拍到的松鼠大頭照,結果手殘按到全部刪除,頓時手足失措、想到拔電池時幾乎全部照片都刪完了。為了找回照片,花了小錢去買了SanDisk的RescuePRO,算是把大部分的照片找回來了。雖然巴特說有免費的,但一千兩百多張照片還是一口氣買個心安。這Nikon P900入手也快一年了(參考舊文),平時只有輕裝去散步時才帶上,主要是拍鳥。因為很久沒把照片抄到電腦上,這就來把它們篩選一遍、補貼一系列平時隨手拈來的大自然美景,共三篇。這篇含鳳頭鸊鷉、加拿大雁、埃及雁、斑尾林鴿、骨頂雞、鸕鶿、紅嘴鷗、灰雁、黑天鵝和蒼鷺等。
Usually, I use my Nikon P900 to shoot birds and nature when I have a walk in neighborhood or natural area only. These are serie of photos taken in last few months, sharing in 3 posts. This post contains great crested grebe, Canada goose, Egyptian goose, wood pigeon, Eurasian coot, great cormorant, black-headed gull, greylag goose, black swan, grey heron etc. Continue reading

20181224-26。聖誕假期 Christmas 2018


今年平安夜到家公家婆吃“團圓飯”,聖誕節在家癱著,聖誕次日到Roermond的Designer Outlet湊熱鬧,就這樣渡過了個懶洋洋的聖誕假期。
This year, we had quite lazy Christmas holidays. 24th, we had family dinner; 25th, we stayed the whole day at home and doing nothing; 26th, we visited Roermond Designer Outlet. That’s all. Continue reading

20181216。南美拉丁之聖誕音樂會 Noche Paz 2018 bij CKE Eindhoven (1)


聖誕前夕,恩荷芬拉丁美洲團體Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO)在CKE舉辦Noche Paz聖誕音樂會。此次音樂會有拉丁風的合奏團Semilla、男高音Jorge Martina、鋼琴家Harold Martina、拉丁傳統服裝和兒童音樂劇“耶穌的誕生”等的演出,體現拉丁美洲的熱情與團結、以及聖誕節日氣氛。臨時受好友邀約,給這次的表演拍活動照片。
Op 16 december 2018, Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO) heeft het kerstconcert “Noche Paz” georganiseerd bij CKE Eindhoven. Aan dit concert werken het ensemble Semilla, het Ensemble Daniel Fanego, de tenorsolist Jorge Martina, de pianist Harold Martina, Familie Flores en vrijwilligers mee. Op het einde was een muzikale voorstelling van de kinderen “Pesebre de Belén” onder de choreografie van Iván Rodríguez. Hieronder zijn de activiteitfotos van dit Latijns-Amerikaanse kerstconcert. Continue reading

20181116。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2018 (3)


Yesterday, we didn’t finish the route of Glow. Because we know that there’s a project of Glow with Qinhuai Lantern Festival, we have decided to visit Glow again today to complete the whole journey. Continue reading

20181108。值得紀念的一天 Celebration


November 8th, a great day to celebrate in our life. 15 years ago, we met on ICQ; 11 years ago, we are married. We went out for dinner, just keep simple and enjoy the time together. Continue reading



簡介:取自白蛇傳,講述一條白蛇,修練一千年後,為報答許仙前生救命之恩化成人型與許仙結成夫婦。但天規律法禁止神仙與凡人結婚,派天兵捉了許仙、困於杭州金山寺。本劇為白蛇與妹青蛇一同殺入金山寺救丈夫的情形。 Continue reading