Tag Archives: 立體方型屋 Kubuswoning

20151101。鹿特丹一日遊 A day in Rotterdam


與琪莉和Candy兩家約在鹿特丹的川菜館“食為天”吃香喝辣,順道到新建的Markthal看看。這棟新穎且集辦公、住宅及室內市場為一體的建築遠近馳名,上過電視,許多人特地來這裡朝聖。我們小逛了一圈,就去兒童農場Kinderboerderij De Kooi走走,最後到琪莉家喝茶聊天,渡過了個精彩的星期天。
We haven’t visited the city centre of Rotterdam for years. Today, we went to Rotterdam specially for spicy lunch at Sansan Restaurant with friends. Meanwhile took the chance to visit the Markthal, a new famous residential- and office building with a market hall. Then, we visited Kinderboerderij De Kooi to let the children to release their energy, and lastly a warm gathering at Chi Li’s home.
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