【13夏】16-07。夜遊奧帕蒂亞 Night sightseeing in Opatija

來到奧帕蒂亞,我們已經累翻了。看到旅遊手冊上有介紹坐船夜遊賞景這項,就去找它的出發點買票,當著是從另一個角度欣賞這個小城。 We’re very tired when we arrived Opatija. When we found the night sightseeing boat tour, we just took the opportunity to visit this city with another way.

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【13夏】16-07。酒店 Hotel Residenz, Opatija

奧帕蒂亞是我們往瑞士途中的休息點,可說是只為了睡個好覺罷了。我們住的酒店Hotel Residenz就在它的市中心,房間面海,可以觀賞海灣的美景。 Opatija is a stop of our journey from Croatia to Switzerland. We stayed at Hotel Residenz in the city centre. From the balcony of our room, we could enjoy the beautiful sight of the bay.

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