Tag Archives: Habour

【Vietnam】20160706。下龍灣 Halong Bay (5)



[NL] Na het bezoeken van Cửa Vạn, de drijvende dorp van vissers, we gingen terug naar Stellar. Toen moesten we meteen uitchecken zodat de personeel van de cruise de kamers op tijd mogen mogen opmaken voor het volgende reizigers. Tussentijds voer Stellar terug naar de haven en de reis duurde ongeveer 3 uur. Rond 10 am, we hebben een korte demonstratie gehad en toen gingen we zelf vietnamese loempia maken voor onze lunch. Na het lunchen, waren we gewoon op het dek gebleven totdat we bij de haven aankwamen. Hoewel de 2D1N reis best kort was, hebben we toch genoeg van Halong Bay gezien en beleven.

[EN] After visiting Cửa Vạn Fishing Village, we turned back to Stellar. We needed to check out then so that the crews had enough time to prepare the cabins for next boarding. Meantimes, Stellar started her journey back to habour. At 10 am, there was a demonstration and we had to prepare the Vietnamese spring rolls ourselves. After lunch, we stayed on deck to enjoy the last hour with the beautiful landscape. Although this 2D1N trip was short, we have a wonderful memory of the spectacular Halong Bay. Continue reading

【Barcelona】20150416。里貝拉舊城區與海港區 La Ribera & Marina of Barcelona


La Ribera is one of the areas at the old city of Barcelona, with many buildings date from late Medieval times. We had a relax walk through the small streets and lanes, then we went to the marina area.
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09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (8) 歸途 Langeoog Island to Eindhoven


This’s the last part of the photos of our 2D1N trip to Ostfriesland at Germany. Continue reading

08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (4) Wittmund – Wilhelmshaven – Harlesiel


在酒店休息了會,我們到臨近的威廉港Wilhelmshaven走走。威廉港是德國天然水深最深的港口和德國最大的石油轉運港。我們在它的市中心逛了一會,都沒遇到合心意的餐廳,所以又掉頭回酒店的餐廳用晚餐。用完餐,已近日落時分,於是決定去了Harlesiel查查次日往Wangerooge Island的渡輪時間表。至於日落,因雲霧過重,就沒什麽美景可言了。
After check-in at Ringhotel Residenz Wittmund and had a short rest, then we decided to visit Wilhelmshaven, the only deep water port, the largest naval base and the most important import terminal for crude oil of Germany. As we couldn’t find any desirable restaurant at Wilhelmshaven, we turned back to our hotel to have our dinner. After that, we went to Harlesiel to check the ferry schedule for the next day, and it’s pity that we couldn’t catch any beautiful views of the sunset, due to cloudy and heavy mist.
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08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (3) Emden to Witmund


It’s already 14pm after our short tour at Emden. We decided to go to some points at the coast to check the ferry schedule to the Wadden Islands for the next day. Then we went to Wittmund to check-in at Ringhotel.
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08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (2) Emden


Emden是Ostfriesland(德語),或East Frisia/Eastern Friesland(英語)的城市和要港,位於Ems河的出口,面向荷蘭的Groningen省。這是第一站,除了在市中心走了一圈,我們還去坐船參觀這裡的港口。
Emden is the main city and habour of Ostfriesland (DE), or East Frisia/Eastern Friesland (EN) of Germany. Beside having a walk in the city centre, we also joined a boat tour to visit the habour.
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【13夏】16-07。夜遊奧帕蒂亞 Night sightseeing in Opatija

We’re very tired when we arrived Opatija. When we found the night sightseeing boat tour, we just took the opportunity to visit this city with another way. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (3) Senj to Opajia, Croatia

Nehaj Fortress at Senj is the last stop of our trip of the day. After that, we just continued our way to our destination Opatija. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (2) Pag Island to Senj, Croatia

到Otok Pag的最北端Lun之後,我們折返島的中部乘Prizna – Žigljen線的渡輪回到陸地,然後續海岸公路往北到古城塞尼。
After arriving Lun at the north of Pag Island, we turned back to the centre part of the island to take the ferry Prizna – Žigljen to return to mainland. Then we continued our way to north to Senj, an old town at the  west coast of Croatia. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (1) Zadar to Pag Island, Croatia

This’s the 11th day of our journey. We travelled from Zadar to Opatija, our last stop in Croatia. Continue reading