Tag Archives: 海洋 Sea

【Vietnam】20160706。下龍灣 Halong Bay (5)



[NL] Na het bezoeken van Cửa Vạn, de drijvende dorp van vissers, we gingen terug naar Stellar. Toen moesten we meteen uitchecken zodat de personeel van de cruise de kamers op tijd mogen mogen opmaken voor het volgende reizigers. Tussentijds voer Stellar terug naar de haven en de reis duurde ongeveer 3 uur. Rond 10 am, we hebben een korte demonstratie gehad en toen gingen we zelf vietnamese loempia maken voor onze lunch. Na het lunchen, waren we gewoon op het dek gebleven totdat we bij de haven aankwamen. Hoewel de 2D1N reis best kort was, hebben we toch genoeg van Halong Bay gezien en beleven.

[EN] After visiting Cửa Vạn Fishing Village, we turned back to Stellar. We needed to check out then so that the crews had enough time to prepare the cabins for next boarding. Meantimes, Stellar started her journey back to habour. At 10 am, there was a demonstration and we had to prepare the Vietnamese spring rolls ourselves. After lunch, we stayed on deck to enjoy the last hour with the beautiful landscape. Although this 2D1N trip was short, we have a wonderful memory of the spectacular Halong Bay. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160706。下龍灣之柯凡漂浮漁村 Halong Bay (4) Cửa Vạn Floating Fishing Village



[EN] At Halong Bay, there is “A community of around 1,600 people live on Hạ Long Bay in four fishing villages: Cửa Vạn, Ba Hang, Cống Tàu and Vông Viêng in Hùng Thắng commune, Hạ Long city. They live on floating houses and are sustained through fishing and marine aquaculture (cultivating marine biota), plying the shallow waters for 200 species of fish and 450 different kinds of mollusks (wikipedia).” Cửa Vạn is the largest fishing village and one of the top attractions of Halong Bay. Where we arrived the village, we could choose to explore the village ourselves on kayak or to take small boat rowed by the locals. We decided to take the second choice to capture the daily life of the villagers. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160706。下龍灣 Halong Bay (3)


[NL] In de tweede dag, was het weer mooier geworden. Halong Bay werd opeens nog schitterend. Deze post is voor de fotos onderweg naar Cửa Vạn, de drijvende dorpen van vissers.
[EN] The next day, the weather was good, and Halong Bay looked more impressive and varied. This article includes the pictures on the way to Cửa Vạn Floating Fishing Village. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160705。下龍灣之驚訝洞 Halong Bay (2) Hang Sửng Sốt



There are a lot of natural caves at Halong Bay. The largest one is Hang Đầu Gỗ (Wooden Stakes Cave), but where we visited is Hang Sửng Sốt (Amazing Cave). This cave is located on Bo Hon Island with a small entrance from cliff and two large chambers. Our guide brought us to Bo Hon Island in heavy rain. After enter Amazing Cave, we could luckly keep us most of the time dry and start to make photos. Although we have visited many Karst caves, Amazing Cave still can surprise us with its beauty. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160705。下龍灣 Halong Bay (1)


「海上桂林」下龍灣位於越南東北部,為典型格斯特地形,海灣中密集分佈著1969座石灰岩島嶼,為自然世界遺產之一。下龍灣是北越之旅的熱點,旅遊業旺盛,下龍灣的海上遊輪服務、下龍市周邊的旅館及渡假村種種旅遊設施,應有盡有。我們選擇的是Aclass Cruises旗下的Stellar號(官網)的兩天一夜遊,含四餐一宿、兩項觀光活動:遊驚訝洞和漂浮漁村。這輯是在Stellar號上第一天的照片。

[NL] Halong Bay, ofwel Ha Longbaai, is een baai in het noordoost van Hanoi. In de baai liggen 1969 kalkstenen eilanden en de uitzichten in deze regio zijn spectaculair. Halong Bay is opgenomen op de UNESCO lijst in 1994 en het is een van de populairste toeristenbestemmingen van Vietnam. We hebben Aclass Stellar Cruise (Official website) gekozen om onze reis bij Halong Bay te genieten. Het 2D1N pakket bevat 4 maaltijden en 2 toeristactiviteiten: het bezoeken van Amazing Cave (Hang Sửng Sốt) en de drijvende dorpen van vissers. In dit artikel zijn de fotos van de eerste dag op Stellar gepost.

[EN] Halong Bay (Vietnamese: Vịnh Hạ Long, literally: “descending dragon bay”) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel destination in Vietnam. Halong Bay has an area of about 1500 square km, including 1969 limestone islands. The scenery of Halong Bay is spectacular and especially for photography. We had chosen to join Aclass Stellar Cruise (Official website) for our tour. Her 2D1N package was inclusive 4 meals and 2 tourist activities: visiting the Amazing cave (Hang Sửng Sốt) and Vạn Giá floating fishing village. Below are the photos of the first day on Stellar Cruise.
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【荷比德趴趴走】11-07。北海大堤、羊角村、恩荷芬 Afsluitdijk, Giethoorn & Eindhoven


After Alkmaar Cheese Market, we went to the Afsluitdijk, a fundamental part of the Dutch Zuiderzee Works. Then, we went to Giethoorn, Venice of the Netherlands.
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09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (8) 歸途 Langeoog Island to Eindhoven


This’s the last part of the photos of our 2D1N trip to Ostfriesland at Germany. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。夜遊奧帕蒂亞 Night sightseeing in Opatija

We’re very tired when we arrived Opatija. When we found the night sightseeing boat tour, we just took the opportunity to visit this city with another way. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。酒店 Hotel Residenz, Opatija

奧帕蒂亞是我們往瑞士途中的休息點,可說是只為了睡個好覺罷了。我們住的酒店Hotel Residenz就在它的市中心,房間面海,可以觀賞海灣的美景。
Opatija is a stop of our journey from Croatia to Switzerland. We stayed at Hotel Residenz in the city centre. From the balcony of our room, we could enjoy the beautiful sight of the bay. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (3) Senj to Opajia, Croatia

Nehaj Fortress at Senj is the last stop of our trip of the day. After that, we just continued our way to our destination Opatija. Continue reading

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (2) Pag Island to Senj, Croatia

到Otok Pag的最北端Lun之後,我們折返島的中部乘Prizna – Žigljen線的渡輪回到陸地,然後續海岸公路往北到古城塞尼。
After arriving Lun at the north of Pag Island, we turned back to the centre part of the island to take the ferry Prizna – Žigljen to return to mainland. Then we continued our way to north to Senj, an old town at the  west coast of Croatia. Continue reading