Tag Archives: 西班牙廣場 Placa d’Espanya

【Barcelona】20150418。巴塞羅納 Barcelona Day 4


The forth day at Barcelona was our last day travelling at Barcelona. We had bought the tickets of 10 am to visit Palau de la Música Catalana, and then continued our tour to Montjuïc Hill to enjoy the views outside of Barcelona, including Olympic Park and castle.
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【Barcelona】20150418。奧林匹克公園與蒙特惠奇堡壘 Anella Olímpica & Castell de Montjuïc


Sants-Montjuïc is one of the ten districts of Barcelona. It covers the southern part of Barcelona, where Anella Olímpica and Castell de Montjuïc are located. Anella Olímpica is the Olympic Park of 1992 and Castell de Montjuïc is an old military fortress, built on top of Montjuïc Hill. We decided to have a relax day to visit this area before we left Barcelona. Continue reading

【Barcelona】20150416。巴塞羅納 Barcelona Day 2


Second day, we just pinpointed at the map and began our tour in Barcelona. We went to La Sagrada Familia, Passeig de Gràcia, La Ribera, Montjuïc, Placa d’Espanya and closing with Font Màgica, a long and wonderful day! Continue reading

【Barcelona】20150416。西班牙廣場與魔幻音樂噴泉 Placa d’Espanya & Font Màgica


Placa d’Espanya and Font Màgica are the MUST visit places of most tourists during their visiting at Barcelona. We came here in the evening to witness the glamour of  Font Màgica, and to enjoy the great nightsight at the city.
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