05-07。粉紅星期六遊行 Pink Saturday Parade at Eindhoven

這週末是恩荷芬的粉紅週末,昨天週六就被稱為粉紅星期六Roze Zaterdag,下午一點還有遊行節目。雖然沒有嘉年華遊行來的熱鬧,但參與和圍觀的人也不少。遊行的主題是:Diversiteit kleurt je leven!多元化讓你生活多姿多彩!(中文版是我不負責任的翻譯^^) This weekend was the Pink Weekend of Eindhoven. Yesterday, there was Pink Saturday Parade at the city centre, with theme “Diversity colours your life!”

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21-06。空軍日表演 Air Force Days (Luchtmachtdagen) 2014

6月20日及21日是荷蘭一年一度的空軍日,今年在Gilze-Rijen的空軍基地,兩天都有空軍表演,吸引了約245.000人去參觀。我們星期六下午騎重機去湊熱鬧,先在A58高速公路旁的添油站遠觀表演。然後再往入口處前進,結果還是放棄了。這輯照片就當著是騰龍新鏡頭試拍用的。明年天氣好的話,就早早來去入場,看能不能佔到風水位來拍些戰機的特寫。 20-21 of June, 2014 was the Air Force Days (Luchtmachtdagen) of the Netherlands. The location of this year was at Gilze-Rijen Air Base and has attracted about 245.000 visitors to visit this event. There were many Air Force shows in these two days. We have only enjoyed some of the shows from distance at saturday…

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