27-04。聖彼得山之北部洞窟 North Caves of Mount St. Pieter

Mount St. Pieter is a hill plateau with limestone massif. Since Roman times, people started to use the limestone blocks of Mount St. Pieter for the constructions in Maastricht, such as churches, buildings, walls etc. Therefore, there are many caves and underground corridors in this area. Here used to have almost 20.000 corridors but half of them were destroyed due to the developement of the cement industry. During the 2nd War World, this underground area used to be a secret hiding place.

Walking to the entraince of North Caves.

Enter the caves.

The guide keep mention that this is NOT a natural cave.

God to protect the fire.

亮點那裡是剛剛參觀的堡壘,我們是從右下的Ingang Noord進來的。
We have visited the fort at right top there, and we have entered here from right bottom “Ingang Noord”.

The area above the red line was destroyed already due to cement industry.


Napoleon visited Maastricht in 1803.

The mosasaurs fossils were found here.

Sight of Sint Servaasbrug of Maastricht.


Map of Fort St. Pieter.


Sterre der Zee (Star of the sea) and Basilica of Our Lady at background.

End of the underground tour.

We walked back to the fort to make some more pictures.

We entered the fort from the red door down there.

Going to Maastricht city centre now.

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