Category Archives: L 2014

20141205。布雷達剪影 Park Valkenberg, Breda


今天,從恩荷芬坐火車到布雷達巡店。在火車站與市中心之間有座漂亮的公園Park Valkenberg,原是布雷達城堡的花園。回程經過公園時,看到少見的雞群(一般都是鴨子、天鵝、候鳥之類)。當時氣溫大概攝氏五度,邊走邊拍,就這樣遇到了超級溫馨的母子圖。
Today, after visiting our store at Breda Centrum, I walked back to Breda Staion to take the train. I met this warmful family at Valkenberg Park nearby the Breda Castle.
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20141122。恩荷芬第二屆粵劇欣賞日 Cantonese Opera Show at CKE, Eindhoven (1)


Today, I’ve been invited to attend the Cantonese Opera Show at CKE in Eindhoven, and also to make photos for this event.
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20141112。恩荷芬光藝節 (2) Eindhoven GLOW Next


在恩荷芬新市區Strijp-S的GLOW Next,呈獻的是現代與未來的光影技術,其生活化的互動應用讓人大開眼界。
GLOW Next at the Strijp-S, mainly presents the modern and advanced technology and application of lighting. Most of the shows is responsive with public and make your eyes open with new technology.
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20141111。恩荷芬光藝節 (1) Eindhoven GLOW Tour


第九屆恩荷芬光藝節來了。這次的主題是“動感城市”。這輯分享的是GLOW Tour的照片,主要是在市區內的某些主題建築上或區域內用光影配搭聲樂,讓城市增添嫵媚的姿彩。
Once a year, there’s GLOW – the light art festival at Eindhoven. The theme of this year, the ninth edition is ‘City in Motion’. These’re the photo’s of the GLOW Tour, the shows at the city centre. Continue reading

20141114。荷蘭秋色 Autumn in Holland


Today, I went to visit our store at Drachten, Assen and Emmen with colleague. That’s in total about 560km for the whole trip. These’re the photo’s on the way, show you how beautiful is the Dutch’s autumn.
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