【Barcelona】20150415。恩荷芬-巴塞羅納 Eindhoven to Barcelona

四月中旬,到西班牙的巴塞羅納自助玩了五天四夜,親睹聖家堂的壯觀、高迪的風采,還有加泰隆尼亞現代主義(Catalan Modernisme)的建築文化,真的不虛此行。 In April, we have a wonderful 5D4N tour to Barcelona. In these five days, we visited a lot of famous places in this beautiful and cultural city.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140721。吉隆坡-昆明 Kuala Lumpur to Kunming

7月21日星期一下午13:05pm,我們乘坐亞洲航空的班機,從吉隆坡第二國際機場klia2飛往昆明,開始我們十二天的七彩雲南行。 On July 21st, our 12 days journey to Yunnan province of China began.  We took the AirAsia flight at 13:05 pm, from Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2) to Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province.

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【14夏】20140719。啟程 Paris – Kuala Lumpur

從巴黎飛吉隆坡的班機,我們劃不到連座,也沒靠窗的位子了。幸運的是,靠窗的小姐竟然想靠走廊的,所以,我們就歡歡喜喜地換了位子,也讓我在這次全程天氣奇好的條件下拍了不少漂亮的高空照片。到了吉隆坡後,我們沒有太多的活動,因為次日又得繼續飛向七彩雲南了。 From Paris to Kuala Lumpur, we couldn’t have our seats together and both of us didn’t get a window seat. Fortunately, I could exchange my seat with Sharon who prefer to sit nearby airle. This gave me a great chance to make beautiful pictures on the way. After arriving Kuala Lumpur, we didn’t have…

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【14夏】20140719。啟程 Eindhoven – Paris

今年暑假拿了三個星期的假期,除了依例程回美里外,還到雲南玩了十二天。為了加快更新速度(呵呵,被問到不好意思了),就來用減少分篇、多圖少文的方式發這次的遊記。 In last summer, we’ve 3 weeks vacation to Asia. Beside back to Miri for a week, we’ve a wonderful journey in Yunnan, China for 12 days.

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