【18秋返馬】20181007-08。恩荷芬—美里 Eindhoven to Miri

十月份,決定不繼續寫論文後,即買了機票、回馬來西亞兩週。因為是單槍匹馬回去探望家人,拎回來的照片也沒很多,就先上這趟旅程的照片,再回頭分享年初到台灣—澳門—大馬的旅行。 In October 2018, I made decision to quit recovering my thesis and went back to Malaysia for 2 weeks. Because the main purpose was visiting my family, there’re not too many pictures been taken. Therefore, I start to share the pictures of October first, before the Taiwan-Macau-Malaysia trip at the beginning of 2018.

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【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (1) 吉隆坡-馬六甲 KL to Malacca

到了西馬,我們的第一站是馬六甲。到了吉隆坡國際機場KLIA,大妹來接機後,就直奔馬六甲。從機場到馬六甲約兩個小時路程,下午五點許到Hatten惠勝酒店,湘群導遊已經在等了。這輯是沿途的照片。 Malacca is our first destination in West Malaysia. When we arrived at KLIA, Jessie came to pick us up and drove us to Malacca. The journey took about 2 hours. We arrived Hatten Hotel around 17 pm. These are the pictures taken on the way.

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【17返馬】20170708-09。啟程 NL – KLIA – Miri

今年暑假回馬來西亞五個星期,是有史以來步調最緩慢的一趟。7號重考完,8號就趕緊向美里投奔。這篇記載從荷蘭到美里的行程,上圖為馬來西亞檳城第二大橋(全長24公里,其中16.9公里跨越大海,為東南亞最長的跨海大橋)。 This year, I went back to Malaysia for 5 weeks during summer holiday. After resit on 7th of July, I started immediately my journey at the next day. This post’s going to share the photos from the Netherlands to Miri. Above is the photo of Penang Second Bridge, or Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah…

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【14夏】20140719。啟程 Paris – Kuala Lumpur

從巴黎飛吉隆坡的班機,我們劃不到連座,也沒靠窗的位子了。幸運的是,靠窗的小姐竟然想靠走廊的,所以,我們就歡歡喜喜地換了位子,也讓我在這次全程天氣奇好的條件下拍了不少漂亮的高空照片。到了吉隆坡後,我們沒有太多的活動,因為次日又得繼續飛向七彩雲南了。 From Paris to Kuala Lumpur, we couldn’t have our seats together and both of us didn’t get a window seat. Fortunately, I could exchange my seat with Sharon who prefer to sit nearby airle. This gave me a great chance to make beautiful pictures on the way. After arriving Kuala Lumpur, we didn’t have…

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