Tag Archives: 吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur

【18秋返馬】20181021。吉隆坡—杜哈—荷蘭 Kuala Lumpur to Doha to Schiphol


Time flies so fast. It’s time to go back to Holland again. This post shares the serie photos taken on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Doha and then to Schiphol, majorly the sights from flight and Doha International Airport. Continue reading

【18秋返馬】20181019-20。吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur


Before coming back to the Netherlands, I stayed at Kuala Lumpur for two days to visit Jessie. As I’m been at KL for some many times, I didn’t have any places to visit in mind actually. Therefore, I spent the first day with Jessie and XiangQun, went shopping with Jessie the 2nd day, and left KL in midnight of the 3rd day. During this trip, I promised myself not to buy any clothes and I made it. I have exchanged my 30 kgs of Dutch cookies and chocolates with almost the same weight of books (10+ pcs) and gifts.  Continue reading

【18秋返馬】20181007-08。恩荷芬—美里 Eindhoven to Miri


In October 2018, I made decision to quit recovering my thesis and went back to Malaysia for 2 weeks. Because the main purpose was visiting my family, there’re not too many pictures been taken. Therefore, I start to share the pictures of October first, before the Taiwan-Macau-Malaysia trip at the beginning of 2018. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170810。西馬 West M’sia (17) 完結篇 Ending


It’s a wonderful tour for Wim & Diny to visit Malaysia for 3 weeks. Although the posts’ sharing was slowly, I finally make it for this last post after about 1.5 years. Wim & Diny are still sharing their great memories with friends and families frequently, and wish to visit Malaysia again. End of this post, there are screenshots of the album which summarise the tour in short.  Continue reading

【17返馬】20170809。西馬 West M’sia (16) 自助晚餐 Buffet dinner at Lemon Garden, Shangri-La KL


離別前,兩老請客、到香格里拉的Lemon Garden(官網)吃自助晚餐,感謝湘群和大妹在馬六甲和吉隆坡的招待。
Having buffet dinner at Lemon Garden of Shangri-La, thanks for the hospitality of XiangQun and Jessie, accompany us in Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170809。西馬 West M’sia (15) 吉隆坡獨立廣場與茨廠街 Dataran Merdeka & Petaling Street, KL


The day before we’re leaving Kuala Lumpur, we visited Dataran Merdeka (Merdeka Square, literally Independence Square) and Petaling Street (China Town area). Continue reading

【17返馬】20170809。西馬 West M’sia (14) 6GF2特輯 Gita Bayu, KL


給大妹在Gita Bayu的公寓拍了內部專輯,因公寓至今仍未上Airbnb,就當著是存檔用。
Photo shoot for Jessie’s appartment at Gita Bayu. Due to her appartment is still not online on Airbnb yet, this serie of pictures post as archive here. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170808。西馬 West M’sia (12) 吉隆坡雙峰塔與水族館 Petronas Twin Towers & Aquaria KLCC (1)


Petronas Twin Towers is one of the must-visit spots of Kuala Lumpur. We picked a day to visit the Twin Towers and the Aquaria KLCC. After having extra rest at hotel, we went to KLCC in the afternoon using Grab. We have a wonderful tour there and left after enjoying the music show at the water fountain in the evening. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170807。西馬 West M’sia (11) 吉隆坡龍城酒店 Cititel Mid Valley, KL


We have chosen to stay at Citital Mid Valley for the last three days at Kuala Lumpur, due to its location and shopping convenience. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170807。西馬 West M’sia (9) 世外桃源 Gita Bayu, KL (3)


This afternoon, we’re going to Cititel at Midvalley, KL. While the Dutch guys were still in dream, we went out to have a walk in parks where we couldn’t make it the day before. Continue reading