08-03。荷德一日遊 (1) Eindhoven – Ruurlo – Lobith/Tolkamer

趁週末好天氣,我們帶著從台灣來的美眉,來個荷德一日遊,主攻荷蘭東部Ruurlo的仙人掌綠洲及萊茵河從德國進入荷蘭那一帶的城鎮。 Just don’t want to waste the beautiful weather in early spring, we took an one-day-trip to visit the Cactus Oase Family Park in Ruurlo and the cities around the area where the Rhein enters the Netherlands.

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01-03。恩荷芬嘉年華遊行 Carnaval Parade in Eindhoven, Lampegatseoptocht (1)

好幾年沒去看嘉年華遊行了。今年趁著有興致,揹著相機去市區狂拍一回。照片很多,用手機瀏覽的朋友,請慎入! Today, there’re carnaval celebration at downtown of Eindhoven. These are the photo’s of the carnaval parade, the Lampegatseoptocht. Please be aware of heavy data loading if you’re using handphone to review them.

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【13夏】06-07。恩荷芬到因斯布魯克 Eindhoven to Innsbruck

今年,我們留在歐洲過暑假,來了個「德奧克意瑞行」,為期十六天、走過五個國家、開了4850公里路。此行的主打目標是阿爾卑斯山脈和克羅地亞的十六湖國家公園。 This year, we enjoyed our summer holidays in Europe. We have travelled 4.850km by car in 16 days, across five countries (Germany, Austria, Croatia, Italy & Switzerland) . The main spots to visit are Alps and Plitvice Lakes of Croatia.

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