[NL] “Kasteeltuinen Arcen, gelegen in het pittoreske dorpje Arcen in de prachtige Maasduinen van Noord-Limburg, is een van de meest veelzijdige bloemen- en plantenparken van Europa. Laat uw zintuigen prikkelen, beleef de historie en ontdek de meer dan 15 unieke tuinen die zijn aangelegd rondom een historische buitenplaats met een 17e eeuws kasteel.” – officiele website. Mijn eerste bezoek naar deze mooie locatie was in de zomer van 2013 (links te vinden onderaan). Deze keer kwam ik terug in de lente voor een prachtige dagje uit met vrienden en onze (schoon)ouders. Het weer was prefect. Of te voet, of met rollator, of met rolstoel zijn we met veel plezier door de tuinen getourd en iedere hoekjes bewonderd. Deze artikel deel ik de foto’s van deze mooie dag.
[EN] Arcen Castle, located at North Limburg and nearby Germany, famous with its more than 15 unique gardens around the castle. Since my first visit in summer of 2013, this time I visited here in spring, with friends and our parents. We have a wonderful tour throughs the gardens and bringing home with a lots of beautiful memories. See pictures below. Continue reading
Tag Archives: 公園 Park
20160511。逍遙一日遊 Keukenhof & Utrecht (2)
Continued with the photos of Keukenhof and Utrecht.
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20160511。逍遙一日遊 Keukenhof & Utrecht (1)
[NL] Namens moederdag heb ik een dagje uit naar Keukenhof en Utrecht georganiseerd met mijn schoonmoeder. Gelukkig hebben we, na bijna twee weken warm weer, nog veel mooie bloemen kunnen genieten bij Keukenhof.
[EN] Last Wednesday, I have visited Keukenhof and Utrecht with my mother-in-law as a trip for Mothers Day. Although we have had almost two weeks warm weather, the tulips and flowers were still blooming and presenting beautiful sights at every corners in the park.
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【Barcelona】20150417。童話般的奎爾公園 Park Güell (2)
Let’s continue to visit the essential monumental area of the Park Güell.
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【Barcelona】20150417。童話般的奎爾公園 Park Güell (1)
The Park Güell is one of the seven works of Antoni Gaudí that listed as UNESCO World Heritage. It’s part of an unsuccessful commercial housing site. Although the Park Güell had a beautiful views and designs, but the 60 lots for luxury houses couldn’t been sold. Gaudí had bought one of the two sample houses and moved in with his family. Nowadays, his house has become the Gaudí House Museum. (Official website)
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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江黑龍潭公園 Jade Spring Park, Lijiang
After lunch, we went to Jade Spring Park to have a walk. Jade Spring Park, also named as Black Dragon Pool Park, is a part of Lijiang Ancient Town. This pool collects water from Yulong snow mountain and is the main water source of Lijiang Ancient Town.
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20141205。布雷達剪影 Park Valkenberg, Breda
今天,從恩荷芬坐火車到布雷達巡店。在火車站與市中心之間有座漂亮的公園Park Valkenberg,原是布雷達城堡的花園。回程經過公園時,看到少見的雞群(一般都是鴨子、天鵝、候鳥之類)。當時氣溫大概攝氏五度,邊走邊拍,就這樣遇到了超級溫馨的母子圖。
Today, after visiting our store at Breda Centrum, I walked back to Breda Staion to take the train. I met this warmful family at Valkenberg Park nearby the Breda Castle.
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20140419。鬱金香花園 Just Keukenhof (3)
Last part of Keukenhof 2014. Continue reading
20140419。鬱金香花園 Just Keukenhof (2)
Let’s continue with second part. Continue reading
20140419。鬱金香花園 Just Keukenhof (1)
這是第八次來Keukenhof,是給從奧地利來的舊同事安排的荷蘭一日遊之主打節目。這次只帶了一直被雪藏的大光圈鏡頭Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM,來強迫自己練習一下不用18-200mm的旅鏡抓景。照片分成三輯,純圖。
This’s my 8th visiting at Keukenhof, the main program for the one day trip in the Netherlands of my ex-collegue at GE from Austria. The photos were separate in 3 posts. Continue reading