Tag Archives: 嘉年華 Carnaval

20150215。魯爾蒙德一日遊 Roermond


Playing flight simulator game at PC is Bart’s hobby for few years already. It’s time for him to fly an Airbus320 with real simulator. Flitesim at Roermond (official website) offered a special price at Social Deal, and we bought a ticket for an hour to try for the first time. When we were in Roermond, it was carnaval festival. Beside visiting Flitesim, we had a short walk in the city area and, of course, to the famous Roermond Outlet.
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01-03。恩荷芬嘉年華遊行 Carnaval Parade in Eindhoven, Lampegatseoptocht (1)

Today, there’re carnaval celebration at downtown of Eindhoven. These are the photo’s of the carnaval parade, the Lampegatseoptocht. Please be aware of heavy data loading if you’re using handphone to review them. Continue reading

21-02。全城瘋狂嘉年華Lampegatseoptocht 2009(1)

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