Every time when I’m in Miri, we will catch up with each others. We’re classmates at secondary school, and we’re friends for 25+ years. We have to cherish every chances to meet and have funs to enrich our memories. We have arranged this gathering at a Thai restaurant, after the arrival of our “classmate” Bart. Continue reading
Tag Archives: 旅行 Travel
【17返馬】20170726。實務地一日遊 One day trip to Sibuti
After few relaxing days, our Dutch guests got used to the new rhythm already, and it’s time to start with some busy programs. This day, we went to Sibuti to visit my father’s orchard, and three beaches (Bungai, Tusan, and Luak Explanade) with different exposures. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170725。美里萬豪渡假酒店 Miri Marriott Resort & Spa
Miri Marriott Resort & Spa, the Former RIHGA Royal Hotel Miri, is one of the two 5-stars hotels in Miri. This day, we didn’t have any special programs. So, beside a short trip to Bintang Plaza, we enjoyed the whole day at hotel. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170724。美里市景與丹絨海邊 Miri City View & Tanjung Lobang Beach
A relaxing day: gathering with friend in the morning, showing Wim & Diny Miri city view and have a walk at Tanjung Lobang Beach. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170723。親家相見歡 Our parents’ first meet at Miri
Thanks Wim and Diny willing to join our summer holiday in Malaysia, travelling so far to make this family gathering came true. Miri was their first stop for 9 nights. We have arranged 5-stars Miri Marriott Resort & Spa, giving them a relaxing place to recover from jet lag and to enjoy the luxury at tropical seaside resort. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170721-22。逍遙的日子 Enjoy in Miri (2)
Continue enjoy my life in Miri~~ Continue reading
【17返馬】20170718-20。逍遙的日子 Enjoy in Miri (1)
After XiangQun’s leaving, the next group (Bart and his parents) would arrive at 22th evening, so I had few days just purely enjoy my time at home. Below are the pictures between 18th and 20th of July. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170717。美里趴趴走 Miri City (2)
Let’s continue! Continue reading
【17返馬】20170717。美里趴趴走 Miri City (1)
This day, XiangQun was going to leave Miri in evening. I just drove her to have some quick views of Miri City. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170716。姆魯 Mulu (9) 回程 Mulu to Miri
This is the last post of our 2D1N Mulu Tour. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170716。姆魯 Mulu (8) 清水洞 Clearwater Cave
The Clearwater Cave System (Malay: Gua Air Jernih) in Gunung Mulu National Park is believed to be the largest interconnected cave system in the world by volume and the 8th longest cave in the world at 222 km (2017). The system lies mainly under the western margins of Gunung Api between the Melinau Gorge and Cave of the Winds. The first exploration by speleologists was during the 1977/78 Royal Geographical Society Mulu Sarawak Expedition when 15 miles of the cave passage were surveyed. Many expeditions by the Mulu Caves Project have increased the explored length and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.” — from wikipedia. Clearwater Cave is located at the southwest of the Clearwater Cave System, and it is the downstream of Clearwater, one of the biggest known underground rivers (more detail here: Clearwater Cave by Mulu Caves Project). We have visited the Lady Cave and the Big Pit, then the Clearwater passage and the cave views, a great ending of our Mulu’s showcaves tour. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170716。姆魯 Mulu (7) 風洞 Wind Cave
A plankwalk leads from the riverbank to the entrance of Wind Cave, so named because of the cool breezes which can be felt at the narrow parts of the cave. Wind Cave, which is part of the Clearwater system, has many impressive stalactites, stalagmites, flowrocks, helitites and rock corals, some which are illuminated in the ‘King’s” Room. — from mulunationalpark.com Continue reading