The next morning, after buffet breakfast at Mulu Marriott Resort, we continued our journey to Wind Cave and Clearwater Cave. We were travelling from Marriott to the caves, following Melinau River to its upstreams by long boat. On the way, we visited Penan Settlement and its traditional craft market. Penan people used to have nomadic culture, moving from one to another place in the nature forest. In 1976, the goverment started to protect the area of Mulu National Park, thus, Penan people had to leaving their forest and moving into the Penan Settlement or outside of the national park area. Insteads of hunting and planting here and there in forest, they are staying at long houses which are never been a part of their culture. They learn to have modern lifestyle, start to work in the national park or in tourisum. Their young generation is well educated and some of them move to cities to have even better life. When visitiors come to Penan Settlement, they meet modernized Penan people which most are old people and kids. Buying their handcraft may support their financial a bit, but it’s still a sad story to see how their culture is vanishing in this modern world. Continue reading
Tag Archives: 旅行 Travel
【17返馬】20170715。姆魯 Mulu (5) 鹿洞 Deer Cave
在越南的山水洞(Sơn Đoòng Cave,目前世界最大的單體洞穴,參考YouTube上的3D模擬,Oxalis的探險記錄或Ryan Deboodt的洞內航拍)被發現以前,鹿洞(曾)是世界最大的洞穴。其實,專家都以各種標準(長度、寬度、高度、內容積等等)來衡量,誰最大還真的不好說。至2009年,鹿洞已知通道有4.1公里,南邊的洞口設有棧道讓遊客進入,參觀有174米寬、122米高的主洞。鹿洞裡住著幾百萬隻蝙蝠,排泄量以噸為計,所以,洞內充滿著亞摩尼亞的氣味,排泄物融入水裡,引來了巨鹿到此喝鹽水。當然,現今已沒有巨鹿的踪影,只留下了鹿洞為名。徬晚時分,只要天氣不差,都能在鹿洞外欣賞蝙蝠出洞,看那一批批的蝙蝠出洞覓食,就像一條條黑色的彩帶在空中飛舞。
Before discovery of Sơn Đoòng Cave in Vietnam (see YouTube: 3D Modeling, Oxalis Expedition 2017, or Drone video by Ryan Deboodt), Deer Cave was always claimed as the largest cave of the world. There’re still a lot of discussions about which cave is the largest, as there are no standard measurement for the largest cave passage. Until 2009, the known passage of Deer Cave is 4.1 km. The main chamber, which is partially lit by sunlight, is 174 meters wide and 122 meters high. There are millions of bats living in Deer Cave, and, if the weather is good, tourists can enjoy the spectacular view of dancing black belts emerging from the cave to search for food. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170715。姆魯 Mulu (4) 藍洞 Lang’s Cave
Lang’s Cave is the smallest of the show caves but its rock formations are well worth seeing. These are made all the more attractive by the strategically positioned spotlights which highlight stalactites and stalagmites. As the cave is relatively small and well-lit, it offers good opportunities to see some of its inhabitations such as bats, swiftlets and even cave-dwelling snakes. – from mulunationalpark.com Continue reading
【17返馬】20170715。姆魯 Mulu (3) 往鹿洞和藍洞 On the way to Deer Cave & Lang’s Cave
我們參觀姆魯國家公園的行程都由Borneo Tropical Adventures(簡稱TA)安排。第一天下午去參觀藍洞和鹿洞,第二天早上參觀風洞和清水洞,這是純旅遊不變的走法,因為至今只有四個岩洞有完善的步道讓遊客有個輕鬆的旅程。想探險的人,可以選擇攀爬石峰(光攀峰就至少要三天兩夜),或是岩洞內的探險路線(良好的體能和心理素質,及基本的攀岩功夫是必要的)。姆魯國家公園的官方網站(點此)有提供更多景觀和玩法介紹。這輯照片是第一天下午往兩個岩洞的沿途景色。
Our tour was organized by Borneo Tropical Adventures (TA). As we only have chosen for 2D1N show caves programme, the activities were visiting Lang Cave and Deer Cave at first day’s afternoon, and visiting Wind Cave and Clearwater Cave in the next day morning. Untill nowadays, there are only 4 show caves open to tourists to explore the beauty of Mulu National Park in easy way. For those who like to have adventure experience, there are challenging activities such as adventure caving and the Pinnacles trail. At the official website of Mulu National Park (click here), you can obtain more information about this UNESCO heritage site and the ways to explore it leisurely and/or with challengings. These are the photos on the way to Lang’s Cave and Deer Cave.
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【17返馬】20170715-16。姆魯 Mulu (2) Mulu Marriott Resort & Spa
Mulu Marriott Resort & Spa位於姆魯國家公園邊沿,是在熱帶森林中的五星級享受。她的前身是經營了20年的Mulu Royal Resort, 在2015年被納入萬豪國際Marriott International旗下後,重新包裝,以新的面貌提供頂級的酒店服務(相關新聞連結)。雖然姆魯的廉價住宿(Lodge)越來越多,我們此程還是選擇了星級酒店。我們三個人住一間房,含早餐。午餐和晚餐則是由旅行社安排到對岸的小餐廳吃合菜。這輯全是在Mulu Marriott拍的照片。
Mulu Marriott Resort & Spa is located next to UNESCO heritage Mulu National Park, a place where you can enjoy 5-stars luxury in tropical forest. Formerly known as Mulu Royal Resort for 20 years, this resort has been renovated and transformed into Mulu Marriott after becoming a member of Marriott International in 2015. We stayed here for one night, and these are the pictures taken at this beautiful resort.
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【17返馬】20170715。姆魯 Mulu (1) 啟程 Miri to Mulu
This’s my fourth tour to Mulu, and last time was in 2010 with Bart. Together with XiangQun and Jessie, we have taken a 2D1N trip due to limited time. These’re the pictures from Miri to Mulu.
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【17返馬】20170714。日本餐廳 Excapade Japanese Cuisine (Miri Branch)
When we came back from Niah Cave, we went to Excapade (Miri Branch) to enjoy their famous Japanese cuisine. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170714。尼亞石洞 Niah Cave, Miri (3)
Let’s continue our Niah Cave trip.
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【17返馬】20170714。尼亞石洞 Niah Cave, Miri (2)
This’s my 5th visiting to Niah Cave, and I am still fascinated by those amazing masterpieces of nature. This time, I did slow down my speed to take more pictures in dark caves. It’s a pity that we couldn’t make it to Painted Cave, and left a missing piece in this wonderful trip. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170714。尼亞石洞 Niah Cave, Miri (1)
Niah National Park is a popular tourist spot in Sarawak. It is an important prehistorical site for archaeology where human remains dating to 40,000 years ago and rock paintings dated as 1,200 years old have been found (wikipedia). As this is the virgin trip of XiangQun to Sarawak, we have to introduce her this unmissable location for sure. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170708-09。啟程 NL – KLIA – Miri
This year, I went back to Malaysia for 5 weeks during summer holiday. After resit on 7th of July, I started immediately my journey at the next day. This post’s going to share the photos from the Netherlands to Miri. Above is the photo of Penang Second Bridge, or Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah Bridge. The total length of the bridge is 24 km with length over water at 16.9 km, making it the longest bridge in Malaysia and the longest in Southeast Asia (wikipedia).
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【16返馬】20160715。吉膽島 Pulau Ketam (2)
Let’s discover the beauty of Pulau Ketam.
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