Tag Archives: 沙灘 Beach

【環島逍遙遊】11-08。騎自行車賞清水斷崖 QingShui Cliffs


In the last morning by Crossing The Rainbow Bridge, HuaLian, we went to the beach with Mr. Li. We were cycling across the local village and farms, and enjoyed the great view of the QingShui Cliffs.
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20050210。Tanjong Lobang

Tanjong Lobang是美里市議會的第一個休閒公園,它的位置就在丹絨海邊。這裡風景怡人,陣陣的海風讓你感受到濃濃的熱帶氣息。巴特來到這裡就像個頑皮的小孩,一直在讚美這大自然的美。我們玩了一個上午,代價就是︰他變成紅人,我變成了黑人,不過蠻值得的。

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