【China。七彩雲南】20140725。麗江東巴谷 Dongba Valley, Lijiang

麗江的東巴谷景區是這天的第二個景點。東巴谷位於玉龍雪山腳下,是個在造山運動中形成的斷裂谷。這裡是納西族的東巴文化之發源地,東巴文字也是現世唯一還活著的象形文字。這景區不大,主要介紹東巴文化和裸美樂大峽谷的景色。我們在雨中匆匆地走完景區,全程不到一個小時。 Dongba Valley, where the Naxi’s Dongba culture began, is our second destination of this day. Dongba’s hieroglyphs is the only hieroglyphs that still in use nowadays. The scenic area introduces the Dongba’s culture and the Luomeile Grand Canyon, and we spent about an hour to finish the tour in rain.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140725。玉龍雪山之藍月谷 Blue Moon Valley of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain

25日早上,我們先到玉龍雪山景區。玉龍雪山是中國最南的雪山,也是北半球最南的雪山,南北長35公里,東西寬13公里,共有十三峰,主峰扇子陡海拔5.596米。因巴特懼高不敢坐索道,登高到海拔4.500米冰川公園之類的節目就免了,唯有到藍月谷走走,欣賞白水河之美。 July 25th, we began our tour by Jade Dragon Snow Mountain scenic area. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, or Yulong Mountain, is the southernmost glacier in the Northern Hemisphere and consisting of 13 peaks. The highest peak is Shanzidou with an altitude of 5,596 meters. The mountain stretches a length of 35 kilometersand a width…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江古城 Lijiang Ancient Town

麗江古城,又名大研鎮,是座歷史悠久、沒有圍牆的古城,已被列為世界文化遺產之一。城裡四處小橋流水,街上不是商店,就是餐廳酒吧,再來就是客棧酒店。這裡大多數店家都有漢字和東巴象形文字的招牌,英文招牌名字就別太認真看,有的全是漢語拼音,有的翻譯得讓人搖頭,不然就是讓人笑掉大牙。房子建築方面,外觀極有古味,屋頂的懸魚多為單魚或雙魚,還有很多東巴圖騰的大小木雕藝術品等等,讓人駐足欣賞的東西實在太多。所以,我們在古城裡不知不覺就逛了幾個小時,直到夜深了才打車回酒店休息。 Lijiang Ancient Town, or Dayan Town, is one fo the UNESCO world heritages with more than 800 years history. In this beautiful old town, we met everywhere something that represents local culture, mainly Dongba culture, such as buildings, decorations, woodcrafts, arts, music etc. We spent hours, till late evening, to enjoy the beauty of…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。麗江黑龍潭公園 Jade Spring Park, Lijiang

下午,用過午餐之後,我們先到黑龍潭公園走走。黑龍潭公園,亦被稱為玉泉公園,為麗江古城的一部分。黑龍潭的水為玉龍雪山及其周邊的山系的泉水,泉水經此流入麗江古城,所以,黑龍潭也是麗江的主要水源。 After lunch, we went to Jade Spring Park to have a walk. Jade Spring Park, also named as Black Dragon Pool Park, is a part of Lijiang Ancient Town. This pool collects water from Yulong snow mountain and is the main water source of Lijiang Ancient Town.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。大理-麗江 Dali to Lijiang (1)

24日上午,我們從大理啟程往麗江,走大麗線S221省道,花了近四個半小時才抵達麗江古城。這趟路程,把我們從海拔1,900米帶到了2,400米,算是往更高海拔目的地的第一波。 In the morning of July 24th, we travelled 190km via the S221 Provincial Road, from Dali to Lijiang. We’re almost 4.5 hours on the way, through the mountains and valleys, from altitude of 1,900 m to 2,400 m. This is the first introduction in our journey through the mountain area, and it could be…

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