Tag Archives: 大理 Dali

【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明-吉隆坡 Kunming to Kuala Lumpur


Last chapter of our 12 days Yunnan journey!
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【China。七彩雲南】20140724。大理-麗江 Dali to Lijiang (1)


In the morning of July 24th, we travelled 190km via the S221 Provincial Road, from Dali to Lijiang. We’re almost 4.5 hours on the way, through the mountains and valleys, from altitude of 1,900 m to 2,400 m. This is the first introduction in our journey through the mountain area, and it could be seen as a preparation for the coming days to even higher destinations.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理古城 Dali Ancient City


We stayed at Dali only for a single day. After visiting Chongsheng Temple, we arrived Dali Ancient City in rain. We could able to have a short tour in this old town and left to Butterfly Spring. This’s why we decided to visit this ancient city again after our last program, the cruise tour at Erhai Lake. With nice weather, we’re able to have deeper looks in this 600+ years old city.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理洱海 Erhai Lake, Dali


14pm, we joined a cruise tour to enjoy the beauty of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain that surround the lake. Erhai is situated at 1,972 metres above sea level. In size, the North-South length of the lake is 40 kilometres and the East-West width is roughly 7–8 kilometres. Its area is 250 square kilometres, making it the second largest lake of Yunnan Province. This 2,5 hour journey was really the best way to relax ourselves after the rushing programmes in the morning.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring, Dali


After leaving the Chongsheng Temple, we had a short tour at the ancient city of Dali in rain, then we went to Butterfly Spring. Butterfly Spring used to be famous with it’s nature wonder of butterflies sea at the tree nearby the spring. But, nowaday, the butterflies are gone and only a nature scenic area with spring and green.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理崇聖寺三塔 Chongsheng Temple & Three-pagoda, Dali


July 23th, we have an one day trip at Dali and visited the Chongsheng Temple, Dali Old City, Butterfly Spring and Erhai Lake.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140722。九鄉-昆明-大理 Jiuxiang – Kunming – Dali


After visiting Jiuxiang Karst Caves, we turned back to Kunming to get the night train to our next destination Dali.
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