Tag Archives: Niah Cave

【17返馬】20170714。尼亞石洞 Niah Cave, Miri (2)


This’s my 5th visiting to Niah Cave, and I am still fascinated by those amazing masterpieces of nature. This time, I did slow down my speed to take more pictures in dark caves. It’s a pity that we couldn’t make it to Painted Cave, and left a missing piece in this wonderful trip. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170714。尼亞石洞 Niah Cave, Miri (1)


Niah National Park is a popular tourist spot in Sarawak. It is an important prehistorical site for archaeology where human remains dating to 40,000 years ago and rock paintings dated as 1,200 years old have been found (wikipedia). As this is the virgin trip of XiangQun to Sarawak, we have to introduce her this unmissable location for sure. Continue reading

20050207。尼亞石洞 Niah Cave (1)

尼亞國家公園 Niah National Park 以尼亞石洞 Niah Cave 聞名世界。它位於美里省蘇必士縣的石山鎮附近。尼亞石洞內有原始人的遺骸,還有個壁畫洞,是考古學家的天堂。同時,該石洞也以出產燕窩而著名。所以,Susanna當然要帶遠道而來的巴特去欣賞這人類文明的古跡囉﹗

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