20150215。魯爾蒙德一日遊 Roermond

巴特這幾年在家最大的愛好就是玩飛行模擬,趁Roermond的Flitesim(官方網頁)有半價優惠,就買了一個小時讓他去試飛Airbus320。去Roermond的那天,正好是嘉年華時節,城裡狂歡氣氛濃烈,辦完正事,就在城區小逛一圈,再到Outlet走走,就結束了短短的一日遊。 Playing flight simulator game at PC is Bart’s hobby for few years already. It’s time for him to fly an Airbus320 with real simulator. Flitesim at Roermond (official website) offered a special price at Social Deal, and we bought a ticket for an hour to try for the first time. When we were in…

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