【18秋返馬】20181007-08。恩荷芬—美里 Eindhoven to Miri

十月份,決定不繼續寫論文後,即買了機票、回馬來西亞兩週。因為是單槍匹馬回去探望家人,拎回來的照片也沒很多,就先上這趟旅程的照片,再回頭分享年初到台灣—澳門—大馬的旅行。 In October 2018, I made decision to quit recovering my thesis and went back to Malaysia for 2 weeks. Because the main purpose was visiting my family, there’re not too many pictures been taken. Therefore, I start to share the pictures of October first, before the Taiwan-Macau-Malaysia trip at the beginning of 2018.

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【17返馬】20170810。西馬 West M’sia (17) 完結篇 Ending

這次帶公公婆婆到馬來西亞旅行三週,算是圓滿結束。雖然遊記發得很慢,也來到了最後一篇。數數我們回來快一年半了,公公婆婆還是很懷念這美好的假期。文末附上給兩老特製的相簿縮圖,再回味這旅程的點點滴滴。 It’s a wonderful tour for Wim & Diny to visit Malaysia for 3 weeks. Although the posts’ sharing was slowly, I finally make it for this last post after about 1.5 years. Wim & Diny are still sharing their great memories with friends and families frequently, and wish to visit Malaysia again. End of…

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【17返馬】20170808。西馬 West M’sia (12) 吉隆坡雙峰塔與水族館 Petronas Twin Towers & Aquaria KLCC (1)

來到吉隆坡,當然得帶公公婆婆去看看聞名全球的國油雙峰塔,順便參觀城中城KLCC的水族館。以公公婆婆悠閒式的玩法,在額外休息半天後,我們下午三點多坐Grab出發。抵達城中城後,先在公園走一圈,再逛水族館,最後在KLCC用晚餐、欣賞了音樂噴泉表演後才踏上歸途。 Petronas Twin Towers is one of the must-visit spots of Kuala Lumpur. We picked a day to visit the Twin Towers and the Aquaria KLCC. After having extra rest at hotel, we went to KLCC in the afternoon using Grab. We have a wonderful tour there and left after enjoying the music show at…

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