【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。比利時納慕爾城堡 Citadel of Namur, Belgium

來到這次荷比德趴趴走的最後一輯了。我們沿著默茲河從列日往納慕爾。納慕爾位於比利時中南部、布魯塞爾的東南部,是比利時法語區的首府,也是個歷史悠久的城鎮。納慕爾城堡盤踞在默茲河及其支流桑布爾河匯合處的山頭上,更是默茲河河流域上的重要軍事要塞。 The Citadel or Castle of Namur was the last stop of our trip with my classmate from Taiwan. Namur in French, or Namen in Dutch, is a city at southern Belgium, the capital of Wallonia. The Citadel of Namur is a fortress at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers and has held…

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