【China。七彩雲南】20140722。昆明石林景區 Stone Forest Scenic Area, Kunming (2)

在石林景區,登上大石林的望峰亭,可俯視壯觀的石林,但人潮擁擠。在小石林則綠地多、景觀鬆散秀麗,在這悠閒地走一圈後,就結束了我們的石林行程。 At the Wangfeng pavilion, the highest point of the major area, we could catch the great views of the Stone Forest. Then, we moved to the Minor Stone Forest, where the stones are not so “crowded” and surrounded by green nature. After a relaxing walk in this area, we finished our tour at the…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140722。昆明石林景區 Stone Forest Scenic Area, Kunming (1)

我們此行參加的是雲南中青國際旅行社的【昆明、大理、麗江、瀘沽湖、香格里拉、梅里雪山單飛單臥十二日純玩游】,三人成行。除了第一天和最後一天是在昆明自由活動,其餘十天都是活動緊湊,旅遊車司機帶著我們翻山越嶺,每到一個城市都有當地導遊接待。以海拔高度來看,全程是高潮迭起,從約1.800m的昆明出發,到麗江就約2.400m,到香格里拉約3.300m,梅里雪山飛來寺約3.750m,在往梅里雪山的路上翻過白茫雪山那段的最高點約4.343m。對於我們來說,全程的景色都美不勝收,相信大家也能從這【七彩雲南】系列的照片中感受得到。 As we would like to have a relaxing journey in Yunnan, we have decided to join the local VIP package for 12 days, organized by China Youth Travel Service of Yunnan. In this package, we’re going to visit Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Lugu Lake, Shangri-La and Meili Snow Mountain. These are the famous tourism areas…

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