Tag Archives: 德欽 Deqin

【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明-吉隆坡 Kunming to Kuala Lumpur


Last chapter of our 12 days Yunnan journey!
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【China。七彩雲南】20140730。梅里雪山-迎賓台-白馬雪山 Meili Snow Mountain – Welcome Desk – Baima Snow Mountain


Our original plan of the second day at Meili Snow Mountain was to visit the Mingyong Glacier under Kawagebo Peak. But the whole journey might take about a day and we needed to turn back to Shangri-La the same day. To prevent any incidents that may delay our whole trip, we decided to skip visiting Mingyong Glacier and went back to Shangri-La in the morning.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。德欽飛來寺之星空 Starry Sky at Feilai Temple, Deqin


On the way back to our hotel after dinner, we saw the wonderful starry sky in dark. As human being who live in city with a lot of light pollutions, we were so excited to watch the stars and to feel the loneliness in the Milky Way.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。德欽梅里雪山(太子雪山) Meili Snow Mountain or Kawagarbo


Here we’re, the view of Meili Snow Mountain. Since we left Lijiang to Shangri-La, we entered the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas. Feilai Temple at Deqin was our northest destination of this journey, one of the best locations to see the great view of Meili Snow Mountain. Continue reading

【China。七彩雲南】20140729。月亮灣-東竹林寺-白馬雪山 Moon Bend – Dongzhulin Monastery – Baima Snow Mountain


After passing Benzilan, we have a short stop at the Moon Bend of Jinsha River, then we went to visit Dongzhulin Monastery, and then keep up- and downhilling to climb over the Baima Snow Mountain. Baima (or Baimang) Snow Mountain, also named as White Horse Snow Mountain, is located in between Jinsha River and Lancang River, most of the peaks are higher than 5km. The G214 National Road is passing here at the point of 4.230m.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。香格里拉-奔子欄 Shangri-La to Benzilan


The coming two days, we travelled from Shangri-La to Meili Snow Mountain and turned back. This was the most beautiful part of our Yunnan tour. This article shares the pictures form Shangri-La to Benzilan. Benzilan is located in Deqin County, at the foot of Baima Snow Mountain and the west side of Jinsha River. Since ancient times, Benzilan has an important place for the transport from North Yunnan to Tibet or Sichuan. The G214 National Road (main road from Dali to Tibet) goes through here nowaday, and was also a must pass through place of ancient “Tea Horse Road” or the South Silk Road thousand years ago. Continue reading