Author Archives: MiriSusanna

【13夏】10-07。十六湖國家公園 Plitvice Lakes National Park of Croatia (1) Lower Lakes



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【13夏】09-07。維也納到十六湖 From Vienna to Plitvice

In the 4th day, we traveled from Vienna to our first desination at Croatia: Plitvice Lakes National Park. It took us 5 hours for the whole journey. Continue reading

02-01。夜遊阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam Light Festival

在慵懶的狀態中,從2013年跨到2014年了!聽說阿姆斯特丹有類似Eindhoven Glow的Amsterdam Light Festival節慶,就來個即興的夜遊阿姆斯特丹。
Similar to Eindhoven Glow, there’s Light Festival in Amsterdam every year from December to January. This’s why we decided to visit Amsterdam in the evening, to see how’s the Light Festival been organised in another city. Continue reading

【13夏】08-07。奧地利維也納 Vienna, Austria (1)

Vienna is the capital of Austria, rich with cultural and historical elements.
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21-12。德國阿亨大教堂 Aachen Cathedral

Aachen Cathedral, or Aachen Dom, is the oldest Cathedral of Northern Europe, one of the UNESCO world heritage. (See wikipedia)

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21-12。德國阿亨聖誕市集 Aachen Christmas Market

Christmas is coming soon. Many cities in Germany start their Christmas markets from end of November already. This year, we visited Aachen Christmas Market.

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