【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理洱海 Erhai Lake, Dali

下午兩點,我們從蝴蝶泉附近的碼頭乘坐杜鵑號遊輪遊洱海。洱海,長約40公里,寬約7-8公里,面積250平方公里,是雲南省第二大、中國第七大的淡水湖。兩個半小時的旅程,讓我們以很悠閒的方式感受洱海之大、蒼山之美,也為早晨匆促的行程來個緩衝。 14pm, we joined a cruise tour to enjoy the beauty of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain that surround the lake. Erhai is situated at 1,972 metres above sea level. In size, the North-South length of the lake is 40 kilometres and the East-West width is roughly 7–8 kilometres. Its area is 250 square kilometres,…

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20141205。布雷達剪影 Park Valkenberg, Breda

今天,從恩荷芬坐火車到布雷達巡店。在火車站與市中心之間有座漂亮的公園Park Valkenberg,原是布雷達城堡的花園。回程經過公園時,看到少見的雞群(一般都是鴨子、天鵝、候鳥之類)。當時氣溫大概攝氏五度,邊走邊拍,就這樣遇到了超級溫馨的母子圖。 Today, after visiting our store at Breda Centrum, I walked back to Breda Staion to take the train. I met this warmful family at Valkenberg Park nearby the Breda Castle.

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