Category Archives: T 2016

【16返馬】20160715。吉膽島 Pulau Ketam (1)


吉膽島(Pulau Ketam),馬來文名字的直譯就是“螃蟹島”(Pulau=島,Ketam=螃蟹)。此島位於雪蘭莪州巴生港外,面積約30平方公里,居民約九千人,以華人居多。因為全島位於潮汐線下,所以建築物都建在高腳柱子上。這裡以漁業為重,也是著名的旅遊景點(參考維基)。說到吉膽島,老馬識途的都去吃新鮮的海鮮,我們當然也不例外了。這是去年去吉膽島拍的照片,既然已經挑了就貼上了吧!
Pulau Ketam (Pulau=Island, Ketam=Crab) is a famous tourist spot of Selangor, Malaysia, and it is located nearby Port Klang. The locals are mainly Chinese. There are two Chinese villages on the island, and fishing is the major economic activity here. Due to its location at intertidal zone, the buildings are on wooden (or cement) pillars. Nowadays, Pulau Ketam is also an unique spot to visit for culture and seafood. This’s our trip in 2016, but as the photos were selected already, I update this aging post as well to recall our visiting to this island. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160712。河內的景德鎮–缽場 Bát Tràng Ceramic Village, Hanoi (2)


After we had walked through the main streets in Bát Tràng and explored the Vietnamese ceramic culture, we moved to AEON Shopping Mall in the neighbourhood to have a nice closing for our Hanoi tour. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160712。河內的景德鎮–缽場 Bát Tràng Ceramic Village, Hanoi (1)


缽場(Bát Tràng)是越南河內著名的陶瓷村,有“河內的景德鎮”之稱。我們慕名而來,大妹想找靈感兼買紀念品,我和巴特就當著是趟文化之旅,欣賞在越南醞孕出來的陶瓷文化。
Last day in Hanoi, we went to Bát Tràng to spot for souvenir. “Bát Tràng (literally: bát is bowl and tràng is workshop) is an old, well established village in the Gia Lâm district of Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It is about 13 km from central Hanoi. It is famous for producing a unique style of ceramics called Bát Tràng Porcelain. Bát Tràng is well known throughout Vietnam for its beautiful ceramics.” (Source: wikipedia) Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160711。沙壩-河內 Sapa to Hanoi


We arrived Sapa bus station at 15:30pm, and confirmed our bus tour back to Hanoi. Our bus departed at 16pm on time. It took 6,5 hours until we finally arrived our hotel in Hanoi. We decided to have our dinner nearby our hotel and went to bed early, to prepare for the tour to Bat Trang Ceramic Village the next day.
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【Vietnam】20160711。沙壩含龍山公園 Ham Rong Mountain Park, Sapa (1)


This’s the last day of our 3D2N trip to Sapa. We would go back to Hanoi at 16 pm, thus, we decided to visit Ham Rong Mountain Park in the morning. This park is located at Ham Rong Mountain, and there are several places where we can have great views of Sapa Town and her surroundings. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (5) Bản Dền to Sapa


因為沒遊Bản Dền村,我們有充裕的時間在回沙壩的路上停車拍景,享受沙壩梯田的夏日盛景。
Because we didn’t decide to visit Bản Dền Village, we did have enough time to have a relaxing journey back to Sapa Town. We stopped at few locations to enjoy the scenery and, for sure, to make pictures. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (4) Ta Van to Bản Dền


健行到Ta Van後,我們繼續坐車到Bản Dền(泰族村落)。途中,在一小店休息、用午餐。到了Bản Dền,我們參觀了家民宿,剛好主人家在釀酒,也一窺釀酒的過程。
After 4km trekking, we continued our way to Bản Dền by car. On the way, we stopped at a small shop to have our lunch. When we arrived Bản Dền, we were welcome at a homestay to have a look of local culture. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (3) Lao Chai to Ta Van


這次健行,最上鏡的就是牠了。專注的眼神、露齒的微笑,讓人很想親近牠。我們在大太陽下,沿著柏油路、經過Lao Chai村,往Ta Van村的出口走,司機大哥就在另一頭接我們。
This’s the best model of this trip. Just love its smile and look. We’re walking from Lao Chai to Ta Van and going to meet our driver at the end of the trekking route. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (2) Lao Chai


離開了黑苗族的住家,我們繼續下坡往Lao Chai村去。
Leaving the Black Hmong’s home, we continued walking downhilling to Lao Chai Village.
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