【Barcelona】20150416。格拉西亞大道與不和諧街區 Passeig de Gràcia & Illa de la Discòrdia

格拉西亞大道是巴塞羅納的時尚大街,其同時擁有四位風格不同的建築家作品(獅子與桑樹之家、穆雷拉斯之家、阿瑪特耶之家、巴特羅之家)的不和諧街區,更是著名的旅遊景點。 Passeig de Gràcia is one of the major avenues in Barcelona and is regarded as the most expensive street in Barcelona and in Spain. The Illa de la Discòrdia (English: Block of Discord; Spanish: Manzana de la Discordia) is a city block on Passeig de Gràcia and it is noted for having buildings by four…

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【Barcelona】20150416。西班牙廣場與魔幻音樂噴泉 Placa d’Espanya & Font Màgica

位於蒙特惠奇山腳下的西班牙廣場,為1929年世界博覽會修建,是巴塞羅納的旅遊熱點之一。入夜後,廣場上的魔幻音樂噴泉熱情奔放,讓人流連忘返。 Placa d’Espanya and Font Màgica are the MUST visit places of most tourists during their visiting at Barcelona. We came here in the evening to witness the glamour of  Font Màgica, and to enjoy the great nightsight at the city.

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