20180717-0917。賞鳥合輯 Birds & Nature (1)

大前天在家回味用Nikon P900難得拍到的松鼠大頭照,結果手殘按到全部刪除,頓時手足失措、想到拔電池時幾乎全部照片都刪完了。為了找回照片,花了小錢去買了SanDisk的RescuePRO,算是把大部分的照片找回來了。雖然巴特說有免費的,但一千兩百多張照片還是一口氣買個心安。這Nikon P900入手也快一年了(參考舊文),平時只有輕裝去散步時才帶上,主要是拍鳥。因為很久沒把照片抄到電腦上,這就來把它們篩選一遍、補貼一系列平時隨手拈來的大自然美景,共三篇。這篇含鳳頭鸊鷉、加拿大雁、埃及雁、斑尾林鴿、骨頂雞、鸕鶿、紅嘴鷗、灰雁、黑天鵝和蒼鷺等。 Usually, I use my Nikon P900 to shoot birds and nature when I have a walk in neighborhood or natural area only. These are serie of photos taken in last few months, sharing in 3 posts. This post contains great crested grebe, Canada goose, Egyptian goose, wood pigeon, Eurasian coot, great cormorant,…

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20180501。散步賞鳥 Walk for birds

飯後散步,順便賞鳥。這輯有喜鵲、大山雀、烏鶇、埃及雁(一家七口)、加拿大雁(一家七口)、骨頂雞(一家四口)、知更鳥和啄木鳥。 Have a walk after dinner and look for birds in neighborhood. These series include pica pica, great tit, common blackbird, Egyptian goose (a family of 7), Canada goose (a family of 7), Eurasian coot (a family of 4), European Robin and woodpecker.

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