20180505。升級全幅機身 Canon 6D Mark II

玩相機燒錢,但燒自己的錢就不必顧忌太多。升級全幅是想了很久的事,應該說是當初從50D升70D就掙扎過。這次決定買全幅入門級的新王者Canon 6D Mark II,然後重新變回一機一鏡的模式,因為只剩下28-300mm這支鏡頭能用了。考慮這台機身,除了它的進階拍攝功能,主要是它的衛星定位(這樣就不必另外帶GPS Tracker,回來還得用軟件輯寫),還有28-300mm就搖身成了廣角變焦旅鏡,挺夠用了! Just upgrade my DSLR camera to full frame Canon 6D Mark II, together with the only lens 28-300mm that still fix to this body, this become my traveling partner in coming years. I consider this camera, not only for its advanced features for photography, but mainly due to its GPS…

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20180503。散步賞鳥 Pure birds

趁好天氣,在住家附近散步4.82km,純賞鳥去。此輯有骨頂雞(一家七口)、烏鶇、野鴨(媽媽+六個寶寶)、加拿大雁、黑水雞、鳳頭鸊鷉、埃及雁、大山雀、藍山雀。 With a nice weather, walk in neighborhood for 4.82km to shot birds’ pictures. These photos include Eurasian coot (a family of 7), common blackbird, wild duck (mum + 6 ducklings), Canada goose, common moorhen, great crested grebe, Egyptian goose, great tit, and blue tit.

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20180501。散步賞鳥 Walk for birds

飯後散步,順便賞鳥。這輯有喜鵲、大山雀、烏鶇、埃及雁(一家七口)、加拿大雁(一家七口)、骨頂雞(一家四口)、知更鳥和啄木鳥。 Have a walk after dinner and look for birds in neighborhood. These series include pica pica, great tit, common blackbird, Egyptian goose (a family of 7), Canada goose (a family of 7), Eurasian coot (a family of 4), European Robin and woodpecker.

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20180426。入手打鳥長砲 Nikon Coolpix P900

這幾年都在玩單眼,脫離數位相機的行列也有幾年了。最近迷上打鳥,很快就瞄準這台83x光學變焦、24-2000mm的火箭砲。趁騰龍旅鏡的30天鑑賞期未過,我決定退了騰龍,買這相對比較便宜的Nikon Coolpix P900,再升級單眼的機身。荷蘭某C家的網店做了我整十年的生意,終於遇到我破天荒去退貨了。在這P900入手後,去散步就能隨手拎著去打鳥。說實在,用慣了單眼,還真的很不適應變焦對焦的滴滴答答聲,而且對焦速度很慢。但想想用單眼長鏡打鳥就得抗幾公斤的鏡頭,而且這拍了小鳥不必裁圖,就折中玩玩吧! After I consider to upgrade my DSLR camera to full frame, I decided to return the Tamron 18-400mm. Then, I still need a compact zoom camera to fulfill my new hobby: bird photography. After a quick search, I bought the Nikon Coolpix P900 with a 83x optical zoom 24-2000mm equivalent lens. The…

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20180420。庫肯霍夫花園 11th Visiting of Keukenhof (1)

一年一度,趁著好天氣,跟婆婆結伴去庫肯霍夫鬱金香花園。今年遇到風信子、鬱金香和櫻花盛開,園內增添了不少新的景區,但四處只要有些特別的地方就一堆人,我們就盡量避開人潮走,最後還沒逛到一半的園區就離開了。這次帶的是騰龍的超級旅鏡,照片分兩輯分享。 Yes, this’s my 11th visiting of Keukenhof. These pictures were taken by Tamron 18-400mm, and will be shared in two posts.

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20180417。騰龍超級旅鏡入手 Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 DI-II VC HLD

身為旅鏡的擁護者,看到這支騰龍的超級旅鏡就雙眼一亮。其實四年前就用過騰龍的16-300mm,也就是雲南行(遊記點這)的功臣,但操了不到兩年就陣亡了。接著就用雙鏡(28-300mm的小白+17-55mm f/2.8的廣角)玩了兩年,雖然不嫌小白有點重,但就是鏡頭換來換去很麻煩,於是,想了幾個禮拜就把騰龍這支新的旅鏡B028(參考原廠介紹)敗了!當然,從300mm升級到400mm,拍鳥就很棒,加上鏡頭輕,帶出去散步也輕便許多。今天在附近小繞一圈、試拍了些花花鳥鳥,星期五要來去鬱金香花園單鏡走透透了! Just bought a new superzoom travel-lens Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 DI-II VC HLD. These are the first batch pictures during testing.

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