【China。七彩雲南】20140730。香格里拉獨克宗古城 Dukezong Ancient Town, Shangri-La

位於雲南省迪慶藏族自治州香格里拉縣的獨克宗古城,建於唐朝、擁有一千三百多年歷史、是中國保存最好、最大的藏民居群。它是茶馬古道的樞紐,亦是滇藏公路的必經之地。“獨克宗”藏語為“月光城”之意。可惜,在2014年1月11日的一場火災,毀了這古城三分之二的建築,也毀了它的歷史文化價值。雖然師傅和導遊都不推薦去參觀這“廢墟”,我們還是趁著回到酒店的時間還早,打的到月光廣場,逛逛獨克宗古城,也圓了大妹和藏獒合照的心願。 Dukezong, or Dorkhar, is a Tibetan town in Shangri-la County, Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province, China, with more than thirteen hundred years history. It’s a main city where the ancient Tea-Horse Road and the China National Highway 214 (G214) pass. At January 11th of 2014, a fire broke out destroying 2/3 of this…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140730。梅里雪山-迎賓台-白馬雪山 Meili Snow Mountain – Welcome Desk – Baima Snow Mountain

在梅里雪山過了一夜,原本規劃次日一早出發去明永冰川,但這往返就得耗上一整天,加上我們當日得趕回香格里拉,為了避免突發狀況而延誤接下來的行程,就決定次早直接折返香格里拉。 Our original plan of the second day at Meili Snow Mountain was to visit the Mingyong Glacier under Kawagebo Peak. But the whole journey might take about a day and we needed to turn back to Shangri-La the same day. To prevent any incidents that may delay our whole trip, we decided to skip…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。德欽梅里雪山(太子雪山) Meili Snow Mountain or Kawagarbo

重頭戲來了,梅里雪山全景。從離開麗江往香格里拉起,我們走的就是著名的三江並流地帶。德欽飛來寺是我們此行最北的目的地,在這可以欣賞梅里雪山(太子十三峰)的美景。 Here we’re, the view of Meili Snow Mountain. Since we left Lijiang to Shangri-La, we entered the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas. Feilai Temple at Deqin was our northest destination of this journey, one of the best locations to see the great view of Meili Snow Mountain.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。月亮灣-東竹林寺-白馬雪山 Moon Bend – Dongzhulin Monastery – Baima Snow Mountain

經過奔子欄,我們開始翻越白馬雪山的路程。首先,到金沙江的月亮灣休息一會,再去參觀噶丹。東竹林寺,接著翻過雪山往德欽。白馬雪山,或稱白茫/白芒雪山,位於雲南省德欽縣東南部,是瀾滄江和金沙江的分水嶺,海拔一般在五千米以上,主峰拉扎雀尼。G214國道穿過中部海拔4.230米的白馬雪山埡口。 After passing Benzilan, we have a short stop at the Moon Bend of Jinsha River, then we went to visit Dongzhulin Monastery, and then keep up- and downhilling to climb over the Baima Snow Mountain. Baima (or Baimang) Snow Mountain, also named as White Horse Snow Mountain, is located in between Jinsha River and…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140729。香格里拉-奔子欄 Shangri-La to Benzilan

到了香格里拉後,我們的旅程就剩下三天了。接著的兩天,只攻香格里拉(中甸)-梅里雪山(飛來寺)-香格里拉,是此次雲南行中海拔最高、沿途景色最優的一段。這一篇是從香格里拉出發,到奔子欄的沿途景色。奔子欄,藏語的意思是“美麗的沙壩”,位於雲南省迪慶州德欽縣的白馬雪山腳下,在金沙江的西岸,214國道從這穿過。自古以來,奔子欄是交通要道,是“茶馬古道”的必經之路,是從雲南北部進入西藏或四川的咽喉之地。 The coming two days, we travelled from Shangri-La to Meili Snow Mountain and turned back. This was the most beautiful part of our Yunnan tour. This article shares the pictures form Shangri-La to Benzilan. Benzilan is located in Deqin County, at the foot of Baima Snow Mountain and the west side of Jinsha River….

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【China。七彩雲南】20140728。往香格里拉的路上 On the way to Shangri-La

在虎跳峽鎮用過午餐後,我們開始直奔香格里拉市(原名中甸縣),路程約120公里。這兩個小時半的路程中,因沒藍天白雲襯托,沿途景色澤有些黯淡,但出色依然。 After having lunch at Hutiaoxia Town, we continued our journey to Shangri-La, or Zhongdian. The distance was about 120 km and took us about 2.5 hours to reach there. Due to rainy weather, we didn’t have blue sky in sight, but the views were still so pretty and attractive.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140728。香格里拉虎跳峽 Tiger Leaping Gorge, Shangri-La

虎跳峽是世界最深的峽谷之一,峽谷長18公里,南岸有玉龍雪山、主峰海拔高度5,596米,北岸有哈巴雪山、主峰海拔高度5,396米,谷底流過的河流為金沙江(或長江的上游),河寬僅有30-60米。虎跳峽的上峽口海拔1,800米,下峽口海拔1,630米,兩岸山嶺與江面相差2,500-3,000米,谷坡峻峭,景色壯觀。金沙江在峽內連下七個陡坎,落差170米,水勢洶湧,聲勢浩大。我們去了香格里拉的虎跳峽(上虎跳)景區,欣賞這遠近馳名的自然景觀。 Tiger Leaping Gorge, one of the deepest gorge of the world, lying between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (highest peak 5,596 m) and Haba Snow Mountain (highest peak 5,396 m), about 18 km in length. Jinsha River, or upper section of Yangtze River, flows through the valley. The width of the river is only 30-60…

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