Author Archives: MiriSusanna

20141111。恩荷芬光藝節 (1) Eindhoven GLOW Tour


第九屆恩荷芬光藝節來了。這次的主題是“動感城市”。這輯分享的是GLOW Tour的照片,主要是在市區內的某些主題建築上或區域內用光影配搭聲樂,讓城市增添嫵媚的姿彩。
Once a year, there’s GLOW – the light art festival at Eindhoven. The theme of this year, the ninth edition is ‘City in Motion’. These’re the photo’s of the GLOW Tour, the shows at the city centre. Continue reading

20141114。荷蘭秋色 Autumn in Holland


Today, I went to visit our store at Drachten, Assen and Emmen with colleague. That’s in total about 560km for the whole trip. These’re the photo’s on the way, show you how beautiful is the Dutch’s autumn.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring, Dali


After leaving the Chongsheng Temple, we had a short tour at the ancient city of Dali in rain, then we went to Butterfly Spring. Butterfly Spring used to be famous with it’s nature wonder of butterflies sea at the tree nearby the spring. But, nowaday, the butterflies are gone and only a nature scenic area with spring and green.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理崇聖寺三塔 Chongsheng Temple & Three-pagoda, Dali


July 23th, we have an one day trip at Dali and visited the Chongsheng Temple, Dali Old City, Butterfly Spring and Erhai Lake.
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20140918。慶生 Chrissy & Susanna’s verjaardag


Dit jaar heb ik voor de 10de keer mijn verjaardag gevierd in Nederland. Wat bijzonders van dit jaar is, is dat Chrissy voor onze verjaardag een taart heeft gemaakt met “gelukkig verjaardag” in het chinees erop.  Chrissy, ik ben echt trots op jou!
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【China。七彩雲南】20140722。九鄉-昆明-大理 Jiuxiang – Kunming – Dali


After visiting Jiuxiang Karst Caves, we turned back to Kunming to get the night train to our next destination Dali.
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20140914。市場花園行動七十年紀念 Operation Market Garden (OMG2014)


市場花園行動(1944年9月17日至9月25日)是第二次世界大戰中盟軍所發動的一次作戰。此次作戰中的“市場行動”是史上最大規模的空降部隊奇襲,同時配合“花園行動”的地面裝甲部隊快速移動協同作戰,奪取荷蘭境內主要河川上仍由德軍控制的一系列橋樑,目標是藉此跨越萊茵河進入德國,以短時間內結束第二次世界大戰。在行動的第二天9月18日,恩荷芬就從納粹統治中解放。但此行動最後因無法攻陷位於安恆(Arnhem)的最後一座橋樑而宣告失敗,也因而荷蘭在萊茵河以北的地方在次年1945年3月底才從二戰中解放。今年是市場花園行動的七十年紀念,有大型的二戰軍車車隊遊行,由比利時的開始,依當年的戰役路線前進到Arnhem,在Brabant的遊行分成兩天進行,第一天9月14日,從Valkenswaard經Waalre,Eindhoven,Son到Veghel,然後9月20日從Veghel經Uden到Nijmegen。在遊行隊伍中還能看到一些當年勇戰納粹的盟軍(英國、美國、加拿大),如今白髮斑斑的高齡老人。(更多市場花園行動的歷史記載可參考維基,或紀念網頁www.rememberseptember44.comContinue reading

【China。七彩雲南】20140722。宜良九鄉溶洞 Yiliang Jiuxiang Karst Caves (2)


At Jiuxiang Karst Caves, we didn’t visit all scenic spots because we decided to skip taking the cable car. We have passed the Grand Lion Hall to the Goddess Palace, and took the same way back to the entrance. But everywhere we’ve visited, the scenes was so beautiful and it seems like a wonderland.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140722。宜良九鄉溶洞 Yiliang Jiuxiang Karst Caves (1)


Yiliang Jiuxiang Scenic Area was our next destination after the Stone Forest. Jiuxiang is famous with its underground Karst caves.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140722。昆明石林景區 Stone Forest Scenic Area, Kunming (2)


At the Wangfeng pavilion, the highest point of the major area, we could catch the great views of the Stone Forest. Then, we moved to the Minor Stone Forest, where the stones are not so “crowded” and surrounded by green nature. After a relaxing walk in this area, we finished our tour at the Stone Forest.
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