13-04。賞花一日遊 Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid Holland (1)

托琪莉的福,我們有緣來到南荷蘭省的Goeree-Overflakkee賞花。我們環島亂闖一番,找了幾片花田拍了鬱金香花海,然後到鄰近古老的防衛城Willemstad跟琪莉、碰面用晚餐。 Yesterday, we visited Goeree-Overflakkee, an island in provice South Holland, to enjoy the sightseeing of tulip flowering season. We stopped at a few fields to make pictures, then we went to Willemstad, a small historical town in provice North Brabant, to have dinner with friends.

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08-03。荷德一日遊 (1) Eindhoven – Ruurlo – Lobith/Tolkamer

趁週末好天氣,我們帶著從台灣來的美眉,來個荷德一日遊,主攻荷蘭東部Ruurlo的仙人掌綠洲及萊茵河從德國進入荷蘭那一帶的城鎮。 Just don’t want to waste the beautiful weather in early spring, we took an one-day-trip to visit the Cactus Oase Family Park in Ruurlo and the cities around the area where the Rhein enters the Netherlands.

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