21-06。空軍日表演 Air Force Days (Luchtmachtdagen) 2014

6月20日及21日是荷蘭一年一度的空軍日,今年在Gilze-Rijen的空軍基地,兩天都有空軍表演,吸引了約245.000人去參觀。我們星期六下午騎重機去湊熱鬧,先在A58高速公路旁的添油站遠觀表演。然後再往入口處前進,結果還是放棄了。這輯照片就當著是騰龍新鏡頭試拍用的。明年天氣好的話,就早早來去入場,看能不能佔到風水位來拍些戰機的特寫。 20-21 of June, 2014 was the Air Force Days (Luchtmachtdagen) of the Netherlands. The location of this year was at Gilze-Rijen Air Base and has attracted about 245.000 visitors to visit this event. There were many Air Force shows in these two days. We have only enjoyed some of the shows from distance at saturday…

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21-06。新機+旅鏡 Canon EOS 70D + Tamron 16-300mm F/3.5-6.3 DiII VC PZD MACRO

如題,這個月買了新的單眼Canon EOS 70D和新的旅鏡Tamron 16-300mm F/3.5-6.3 DiII VC PZD MACRO,今年的假期津貼就全奉獻給升級“機組成員”了。 This month, an costly investment has been done to update my camera from Canon EOS 50D to 70D, and also my travelling lens from Canon 18-200mm to Tamron 16-300mm.

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01-06。小鎮 Ravenstein

從仙人掌綠洲回恩荷芬途中,我們在Ravenstein(官網)休息一會。這小鎮曾經是座馬斯河沿岸的堡壘之一,鎮裡還有不少堡壘的遺跡。婆婆很喜歡這小鎮,我們作媳婦的當然是沒意見,就去鎮裡逛一圈吧。 From Cactus Oase back to Eindhoven, we took a break on the way at Ravenstein, a small town that used to be one of the forts along the Maas River.

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25-05。北布拉邦省西部水防線與盧沃瑞堡壘 De West Brabantse Waterlinie & Fort De Roovere

週日天氣奇好,我們騎重機出遊,目的地是北布拉邦省西部的水防線De West Brabantse Waterlinie。這水防線建於1628年,是從Bergen op Zoom到Steenbergen,由四座堡壘(Fort Pinssen, Fort de Roovere, Fort Henricus, 已消失的Fort Moermont),及堡壘間相連的護城河和高堤,形成了抵禦敵人入侵的防線。戰事發生時,能在Steenbergen打開水閘引入海水,升高水位來保護自己。近年,這大部分埋沒在大自然間的水防線重見天日,城堤被復修後,也同時把部分濕地變成保護鳥類的自然保護區。 Last Sunday, we went to the West Brabant Waterline, which has been build in 1628. There were four fortresses, connected with moats and dam, to protect the area during wars.

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17-05。曬曬小綠 Photos by Canon 70-300mm

從2009年初敗了台Canon 50D,保守估計,這五年多應該拍了七、八萬張照片。在暑假即將來臨的當兒,不禁擔心我的老伴會不會半途給我出狀況,所以,敗家的念頭就油然而生了。除了想買新的body,我還想買支新的旅鏡。為了回憶下300mm的感覺,把一直冷藏的小綠Canon EF 70-300mm 1:4.5-5.6 DO IS USM拿出來玩玩。想說最近把小綠賣了來補貼新的鏡頭。這輯照片全是小綠的作品。 These photos are taken by Canon EOS 50D + Canon EF 70-300mm 1:4.5-5.6 DO IS USM.

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27-04。聖彼得山之北部洞窟 North Caves of Mount St. Pieter

聖彼得山裡全是石灰岩,從羅馬時代起,人們就從這裡挖掘石灰岩塊來建造馬斯垂克城裡的教堂、建築物和城牆等。它的石灰質純淨,也可作淨化水之用。由於長期挖掘岩塊,地下就形成了許多洞窟及通道。曾經這裡近兩萬條通道,後來有一大半因為水泥業的發展而被毀了。二戰時,曾是秘密的藏身之地。 Mount St. Pieter is a hill plateau with limestone massif. Since Roman times, people started to use the limestone blocks of Mount St. Pieter for the constructions in Maastricht, such as churches, buildings, walls etc. Therefore, there are many caves and underground corridors in this area. Here used to have almost 20.000 corridors but…

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