【17返馬】20170803。亞庇 KK (17) 馬努干島 Manukan Island (2)

這趟純放鬆的雙島一日遊深得公公婆婆的喜愛,我們也難得先體驗下老人式的玩法。在馬努干島待到下午三點,我們踏上歸途。晚上,同樣在酒店享受自助晚餐,過後就得收拾行李,準備第二天飛西馬了。 This Twin Islands Hopping Trip is a big success for a relaxing day, and Wim and Diny love it so much. We stayed at Manukan Island until 15 pm. Then, seatango brought us back to Sutera Harbour. In the evening, we went to have buffet dinner at Promenade Hotel for the third time. After…

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【17返馬】20170803。亞庇 KK (16) 馬努干島 Manukan Island (1)

馬努干島是東姑阿都拉曼國家公園的第二大島,呈扁弧狀,南邊約1.5公里長的沙灘,海水蔚藍清淺,海裡魚兒很多(據說保證可以看到Nemo魚),是嬉水和浮潛的天堂。該島上有國家公園管理處,旅遊設施齊全,因而成了大多數出海一日遊的目的地。我們在這裡用了午餐,繼續擇點吹海風。 Manukan Island is the second largest island of Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park. There is a long white beach of about 1.5 km at its southern side, with its clear and calm sea water, forms a paradise for tourists to swim and snookering here. This island is well facilitated with resort and leisure activities,…

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