20180420。庫肯霍夫花園 11th Visiting of Keukenhof (1)

一年一度,趁著好天氣,跟婆婆結伴去庫肯霍夫鬱金香花園。今年遇到風信子、鬱金香和櫻花盛開,園內增添了不少新的景區,但四處只要有些特別的地方就一堆人,我們就盡量避開人潮走,最後還沒逛到一半的園區就離開了。這次帶的是騰龍的超級旅鏡,照片分兩輯分享。 Yes, this’s my 11th visiting of Keukenhof. These pictures were taken by Tamron 18-400mm, and will be shared in two posts.

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20180417。騰龍超級旅鏡入手 Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 DI-II VC HLD

身為旅鏡的擁護者,看到這支騰龍的超級旅鏡就雙眼一亮。其實四年前就用過騰龍的16-300mm,也就是雲南行(遊記點這)的功臣,但操了不到兩年就陣亡了。接著就用雙鏡(28-300mm的小白+17-55mm f/2.8的廣角)玩了兩年,雖然不嫌小白有點重,但就是鏡頭換來換去很麻煩,於是,想了幾個禮拜就把騰龍這支新的旅鏡B028(參考原廠介紹)敗了!當然,從300mm升級到400mm,拍鳥就很棒,加上鏡頭輕,帶出去散步也輕便許多。今天在附近小繞一圈、試拍了些花花鳥鳥,星期五要來去鬱金香花園單鏡走透透了! Just bought a new superzoom travel-lens Tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 DI-II VC HLD. These are the first batch pictures during testing.

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20180407。鳥語花香 It’s Spring

今天天氣超好,拎著長鏡到附近拍拍春色,還有拍鳥(大山雀、藍山雀、喜鵲、骨頂雞、白頰黑雁、鳳頭鸊鷉、鷦鷯、麻雀等)。這輯照片裡,有的喜歡的小鳥有加上裁圖,可以看清楚一點。 Today, the weather was top for outdoor activities. I decided to make pictures of the spring scenery, and also to spot birds (koolmees, pimpelmees, meerkoet, brandgans, fuut, winterkoning etc) in neighborhood. This section includes some crop pictures from original photo.

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【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (2) 馬六甲惠勝酒店 Hatten Hotel, Melaka

我們在馬六甲只過一夜,住的是在古城旁的惠勝酒店,貪圖的就是從這裡可以步行到主要的觀光景點。晚上到它頂樓(22樓)的奧爾托天空酒吧(Alto Sky Lounge)還可以賞夜景。 We only stayed at Hatten Hotel in Malacca for a night. This hotel is within 15 minutes walking distance of the main historical spots. The Alto Sky Lounge at its top floor (22nd floor) provides a wonderful location to enjoy the night scene of Malacca.

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【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (1) 吉隆坡-馬六甲 KL to Malacca

到了西馬,我們的第一站是馬六甲。到了吉隆坡國際機場KLIA,大妹來接機後,就直奔馬六甲。從機場到馬六甲約兩個小時路程,下午五點許到Hatten惠勝酒店,湘群導遊已經在等了。這輯是沿途的照片。 Malacca is our first destination in West Malaysia. When we arrived at KLIA, Jessie came to pick us up and drove us to Malacca. The journey took about 2 hours. We arrived Hatten Hotel around 17 pm. These are the pictures taken on the way.

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