20181216。南美拉丁之聖誕音樂會 Noche Paz 2018 bij CKE Eindhoven (1)

聖誕前夕,恩荷芬拉丁美洲團體Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO)在CKE舉辦Noche Paz聖誕音樂會。此次音樂會有拉丁風的合奏團Semilla、男高音Jorge Martina、鋼琴家Harold Martina、拉丁傳統服裝和兒童音樂劇“耶穌的誕生”等的演出,體現拉丁美洲的熱情與團結、以及聖誕節日氣氛。臨時受好友邀約,給這次的表演拍活動照片。 Op 16 december 2018, Stichting Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (CLO) heeft het kerstconcert “Noche Paz” georganiseerd bij CKE Eindhoven. Aan dit concert werken het ensemble Semilla, het Ensemble Daniel Fanego, de tenorsolist Jorge Martina, de pianist Harold Martina, Familie Flores en vrijwilligers mee. Op het einde…

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【17返馬】20170808。西馬 West M’sia (12) 吉隆坡雙峰塔與水族館 Petronas Twin Towers & Aquaria KLCC (1)

來到吉隆坡,當然得帶公公婆婆去看看聞名全球的國油雙峰塔,順便參觀城中城KLCC的水族館。以公公婆婆悠閒式的玩法,在額外休息半天後,我們下午三點多坐Grab出發。抵達城中城後,先在公園走一圈,再逛水族館,最後在KLCC用晚餐、欣賞了音樂噴泉表演後才踏上歸途。 Petronas Twin Towers is one of the must-visit spots of Kuala Lumpur. We picked a day to visit the Twin Towers and the Aquaria KLCC. After having extra rest at hotel, we went to KLCC in the afternoon using Grab. We have a wonderful tour there and left after enjoying the music show at…

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【17返馬】20170807。西馬 West M’sia (9) 世外桃源 Gita Bayu, KL (3)

這天下午,我們要轉到谷中城的龍城酒店。早上,趁著荷蘭人還在夢鄉,我和大妹把昨天為走完的園區逛一圈。 This afternoon, we’re going to Cititel at Midvalley, KL. While the Dutch guys were still in dream, we went out to have a walk in parks where we couldn’t make it the day before.

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