【17返馬】20170806。西馬 West M’sia (7) 世外桃源 Gita Bayu, KL (1)

Gita Bayu(官網)位於吉隆坡以南的Seri Kembangan,佔地118英畝,前身為橡膠園,為重新規劃的高級私人住宅區。這共管住宅區設圍籬,有自己的保安、不對外開放,內有俱樂部和熱帶雨林景觀公園,生活在這就像是身在繁榮的城市旁的世外桃源。因為大妹想把她的公寓弄成民宿、或供短期出租,我們就來試住兩晚、體驗一下這裡的環境和設施。 Gita Bayu (official website) is located Seri Kembangan (south of Kuala Lumpur), a 118-arce unique development which has re-established itself over a rubber plantation. This area is gated and guarded, provides well-maintained infrastructure and natural environment to its residents, a paradise to enjoy the stillness and beauty of the nature. Jessie owns…

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【17返馬】20170805。西馬 West M’sia (6) 馬六甲-吉隆坡 Malacca to Gita Bayu, KL

吉隆坡是我們這次旅行的最後一站,停留五天五夜。我們從馬六甲北上,先到大妹在Gita Bayu打算弄成民宿的公寓住了兩晚,體驗在Gita Bayu的環境和設施。 Kuala Lumpur was the last destination of our tour. We spent 5 days 5 nights, starting by 2 nights at Jessie’s appartment at Gita Bayu.

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20181108。值得紀念的一天 Celebration

今年11月8號是我們相識十五載、結婚十一年的紀念日,臨時起義去市中心慶祝。到了市區,看到廣場上燈光節預演,相機快門一按才發現忘了把記憶卡插回相機裡,只能用手機草草拍了些照片作紀念。 November 8th, a great day to celebrate in our life. 15 years ago, we met on ICQ; 11 years ago, we are married. We went out for dinner, just keep simple and enjoy the time together.

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