【18台馬澳】20180119-20。荷蘭—新竹 Holland to Hsinchu, TW

應週年慶(怎麽一年就這樣過去了?!),Susanna來發去年年初到台灣、澳門、馬來西亞的遊記了。這趟旅程分成兩段:首兩週有巴特同行、在台灣趴趴走;後四週則是我自己趴趴走,去了澳門、回了馬來西亞過年、再返台灣停留一週才回荷蘭。 It’s a year ago that Bart and I travelled to Taiwan for 2 weeks, and after that I continued alone to visit Macau, Malaysia and Taiwan for 4 weeks.

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【18秋返馬】20181021。吉隆坡—杜哈—荷蘭 Kuala Lumpur to Doha to Schiphol

兩週的旅程告一段落,又在回荷蘭的路上了!這幾年都坐半夜的直飛班機回荷蘭,抵達荷蘭的時間都是早上六、七點,基本上沿途都是黑夜。這是第一次坐凌晨三點的班機,加上在杜哈轉機,抵達荷蘭的時間就變成下午一點,好處是後半段路程不睡覺的話還有景色看。這輯全是從吉隆坡—杜哈—荷蘭的照片,主要是杜哈國際機場和航拍沿途的景色。 Time flies so fast. It’s time to go back to Holland again. This post shares the serie photos taken on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Doha and then to Schiphol, majorly the sights from flight and Doha International Airport.

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【18秋返馬】20181019-20。吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur

在回荷蘭前,到吉隆坡停留兩天,跟大妹聚聚。忙碌的她沒太多時間帶我四處去(其實也不知道吉隆坡還有什麽好玩的),第一天就約了湘群出來遛了一天,第二天去購物中心買點手心,第三天凌晨就坐飛機回荷蘭了。這次說了不買衣服,也真的一件衣服也沒買(給自己一個讚!)。拖著30公斤的行李回馬,再拖幾乎等重的十幾本書和手信回來,就翻過這一篇了。 Before coming back to the Netherlands, I stayed at Kuala Lumpur for two days to visit Jessie. As I’m been at KL for some many times, I didn’t have any places to visit in mind actually. Therefore, I spent the first day with Jessie and XiangQun, went shopping with Jessie the 2nd day, and…

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【18秋返馬】20181009-13。美里 Miri Day 1 to Day 5

離家遠的難處就是不能常常回家,而且想回家還得排期。趁著脫離寫論文的苦海、又還沒找到新的工作,就利用自由業者的好處,決定回家一趟。不到一天的時間,就從有回家的念頭到買下了機票,神速!當然這應驗了有儲備基金的好處:不必考慮錢的問題。因為答應了巴特的同事去給他們拍照片(Beekse Bergen動物園一日遊),就緩至9號才啟程。這趟不趕時間,選了卡達爾航空得在杜哈轉機的非直飛班機,能省約200歐元,但行程就變得很長。從恩荷芬出發算起,花了31個小時才到美里家門。 Staying far away from home is always difficult to meet family. Year over year, my parents’re getting older and with empty nest nowadays. It drives me to visit them more frequently last times. That’s why I took the opportunity as a freelance to visit them again in October for 2 weeks. Having 10…

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【18秋返馬】20181007-08。恩荷芬—美里 Eindhoven to Miri

十月份,決定不繼續寫論文後,即買了機票、回馬來西亞兩週。因為是單槍匹馬回去探望家人,拎回來的照片也沒很多,就先上這趟旅程的照片,再回頭分享年初到台灣—澳門—大馬的旅行。 In October 2018, I made decision to quit recovering my thesis and went back to Malaysia for 2 weeks. Because the main purpose was visiting my family, there’re not too many pictures been taken. Therefore, I start to share the pictures of October first, before the Taiwan-Macau-Malaysia trip at the beginning of 2018.

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【17返馬】20170810。西馬 West M’sia (17) 完結篇 Ending

這次帶公公婆婆到馬來西亞旅行三週,算是圓滿結束。雖然遊記發得很慢,也來到了最後一篇。數數我們回來快一年半了,公公婆婆還是很懷念這美好的假期。文末附上給兩老特製的相簿縮圖,再回味這旅程的點點滴滴。 It’s a wonderful tour for Wim & Diny to visit Malaysia for 3 weeks. Although the posts’ sharing was slowly, I finally make it for this last post after about 1.5 years. Wim & Diny are still sharing their great memories with friends and families frequently, and wish to visit Malaysia again. End of…

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