【18秋返馬】20181019-20。吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur

在回荷蘭前,到吉隆坡停留兩天,跟大妹聚聚。忙碌的她沒太多時間帶我四處去(其實也不知道吉隆坡還有什麽好玩的),第一天就約了湘群出來遛了一天,第二天去購物中心買點手心,第三天凌晨就坐飛機回荷蘭了。這次說了不買衣服,也真的一件衣服也沒買(給自己一個讚!)。拖著30公斤的行李回馬,再拖幾乎等重的十幾本書和手信回來,就翻過這一篇了。 Before coming back to the Netherlands, I stayed at Kuala Lumpur for two days to visit Jessie. As I’m been at KL for some many times, I didn’t have any places to visit in mind actually. Therefore, I spent the first day with Jessie and XiangQun, went shopping with Jessie the 2nd day, and…

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【17返馬】20170808。西馬 West M’sia (12) 吉隆坡雙峰塔與水族館 Petronas Twin Towers & Aquaria KLCC (1)

來到吉隆坡,當然得帶公公婆婆去看看聞名全球的國油雙峰塔,順便參觀城中城KLCC的水族館。以公公婆婆悠閒式的玩法,在額外休息半天後,我們下午三點多坐Grab出發。抵達城中城後,先在公園走一圈,再逛水族館,最後在KLCC用晚餐、欣賞了音樂噴泉表演後才踏上歸途。 Petronas Twin Towers is one of the must-visit spots of Kuala Lumpur. We picked a day to visit the Twin Towers and the Aquaria KLCC. After having extra rest at hotel, we went to KLCC in the afternoon using Grab. We have a wonderful tour there and left after enjoying the music show at…

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