【17返馬】20170805。西馬 West M’sia (4) 馬六甲古城區 Malacca Old Town – Part 1

休息了一晚、在酒店用過自助早餐後,我們帶著兩老、開始遊馬六甲的古城區。馬六甲的歷史文化悠久,始於十四世紀末由拜里米蘇拉成立的滿剌加,先臣屬暹羅;十五世紀初,臣屬明朝、成為一國,與暹羅並列,因它的地理位置,滿剌加成了來自爪哇、印度、阿拉伯和明朝的商人停泊的貿易港口,及明朝鄭和的遠航船隊的前哨基地;1511年,葡萄牙佔領滿剌加,改稱馬六甲;1641年,荷蘭趕走葡萄牙、佔領了馬六甲;1824年,荷蘭把馬六甲割讓給英國;1957年,馬來亞獨立,馬六甲成其一州屬;1963年,馬來西亞成立(歷史可參考維基:點此)。馬六甲在歷經明朝和三個歐洲國家的管治和文化影響後,有了自己獨樹一支的多元文化特色,其中以結合華巫文化的娘惹美食最為矚目。2008年,馬六甲市被列為UNESCO世界文化遺產。我們參觀了A’Famosa堡壘、聖保羅山和教堂廢墟、荷蘭紅屋/馬六甲博物館(前身為市政廳Stadthuys)、馬六甲基督教堂,最後在雞場街街口的Hard Rock Cafe用了午餐即結束行程。這輯分享的是前半段至聖保羅教堂的照片。 After having buffet breakfast at hotel, we began our journey to visit this UNESCO world heritage site. Malacca City is the oldest Malaysian city on the Straits of Malacca. Malacca was established by Parameswara in 1396. In 15th and 16th century, Malacca was an important trading port of Arabs, Persians, Gujaratis, Tamils,…

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【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (2) 馬六甲惠勝酒店 Hatten Hotel, Melaka

我們在馬六甲只過一夜,住的是在古城旁的惠勝酒店,貪圖的就是從這裡可以步行到主要的觀光景點。晚上到它頂樓(22樓)的奧爾托天空酒吧(Alto Sky Lounge)還可以賞夜景。 We only stayed at Hatten Hotel in Malacca for a night. This hotel is within 15 minutes walking distance of the main historical spots. The Alto Sky Lounge at its top floor (22nd floor) provides a wonderful location to enjoy the night scene of Malacca.

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【17返馬】20170804。西馬 West M’sia (1) 吉隆坡-馬六甲 KL to Malacca

到了西馬,我們的第一站是馬六甲。到了吉隆坡國際機場KLIA,大妹來接機後,就直奔馬六甲。從機場到馬六甲約兩個小時路程,下午五點許到Hatten惠勝酒店,湘群導遊已經在等了。這輯是沿途的照片。 Malacca is our first destination in West Malaysia. When we arrived at KLIA, Jessie came to pick us up and drove us to Malacca. The journey took about 2 hours. We arrived Hatten Hotel around 17 pm. These are the pictures taken on the way.

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【17返馬】20170801。亞庇 KK (11) 凱城酒店 Promenade Hotel, KK

亞庇行是跟公公婆婆AA制,因兩老有歐元級的預算,我們就“豪邁”地選了在市中心、歐元75塊錢一晚(想換馬幣的自己算算)的凱城酒店。當初讓旅行社推薦含國際餐點(早餐和晚餐)的星級酒店,主要是顧及萬一兩老沒辦法適應當地的飲食,還能有西餐服務,於是選了四星級的凱城,訂的是豪華客房。意外的是,現場打開房門才知道是海景豪華套房,公公婆婆驚喜萬分,說這簡直是他們的第n次蜜月旅行。其實也該謝謝他們,就托他們的福,我們也難得在住宿上“奢侈”一番。 For our accommodation in Kota Kinabalu (KK), we had chosen for 4-stars Promenade Hotel at city center. Our travel agency Amazing Borneo had proposed Superior Room for a price of 75 euro per night, but we got Junior Suite actually, what’s a surprise! Wim and Diny were so happy with this honeymoon package. Thanks…

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【17返馬】20170718-20。逍遙的日子 Enjoy in Miri (1)

送走了湘群後,下一批遊客(巴特和他爸爸媽媽)得22號晚才抵達美里,可以好好享受幾天在家翹腳的逍遙日子。這是7月18-20號的流水賬,就吃吃喝喝居多。 After XiangQun’s leaving, the next group (Bart and his parents) would arrive at 22th evening, so I had few days just purely enjoy my time at home. Below are the pictures between 18th and 20th of July.

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