27-04。聖彼得山之北部洞窟 North Caves of Mount St. Pieter

聖彼得山裡全是石灰岩,從羅馬時代起,人們就從這裡挖掘石灰岩塊來建造馬斯垂克城裡的教堂、建築物和城牆等。它的石灰質純淨,也可作淨化水之用。由於長期挖掘岩塊,地下就形成了許多洞窟及通道。曾經這裡近兩萬條通道,後來有一大半因為水泥業的發展而被毀了。二戰時,曾是秘密的藏身之地。 Mount St. Pieter is a hill plateau with limestone massif. Since Roman times, people started to use the limestone blocks of Mount St. Pieter for the constructions in Maastricht, such as churches, buildings, walls etc. Therefore, there are many caves and underground corridors in this area. Here used to have almost 20.000 corridors but…

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27-04。馬斯垂克之聖彼得堡壘 Fort St.Pieter of Maastricht

馬斯垂克是座位於荷蘭南部的古城,從中世紀開始一直是個軍事要地,離恩荷芬約一個小時的車程。這次一日遊主打聖彼得堡壘和洞窟,然後到馬斯垂克市中心走走。 Maastricht is an ancient city in the south of the Netherlands, about an hour driving from Eindhoven. The focus of our trip is to visit the Fort and the underground caves at Mount St. Pieter.

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20140419。贊斯安斯風車村Zaanse Schans

荷蘭有兩個遠近馳名的風車群:南荷蘭省的小孩提防和北荷蘭省的贊斯安斯。這次一日遊的路徑都安排在阿姆斯特丹的周邊,於是選擇了把贊斯安斯介紹給奧地利的朋友。 In the Netherlands, there are two famaus windmill areas : Kinderdijk in South Holland province and Zaanse Schans in North Holland provice. We have chosen to introduce the Zaanse Schans to our guests from Austria.

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【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特 Split, Croatia (1)

位於克羅地亞南部的斯普利特,是座遠近馳名的古城,亦是該國的第二大城市和重要的海港(參考維基)。我們此趟把斯普利特這兒的停留時間排的太短,沒辦法出海觀光附近的群島,只參觀了有1700年歷史的古城。 Split is one of the oldest city in Croatia, with more than 1700 years history (wikipedia). Due to our short stay, we didn’t have the chance to enjoy island hopping to those islands nearby Split. We joined a bus tour to have a quick view of the city and beaches. Then we spent our…

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