01-06。小鎮 Ravenstein

從仙人掌綠洲回恩荷芬途中,我們在Ravenstein(官網)休息一會。這小鎮曾經是座馬斯河沿岸的堡壘之一,鎮裡還有不少堡壘的遺跡。婆婆很喜歡這小鎮,我們作媳婦的當然是沒意見,就去鎮裡逛一圈吧。 From Cactus Oase back to Eindhoven, we took a break on the way at Ravenstein, a small town that used to be one of the forts along the Maas River.

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25-05。北布拉邦省西部水防線與盧沃瑞堡壘 De West Brabantse Waterlinie & Fort De Roovere

週日天氣奇好,我們騎重機出遊,目的地是北布拉邦省西部的水防線De West Brabantse Waterlinie。這水防線建於1628年,是從Bergen op Zoom到Steenbergen,由四座堡壘(Fort Pinssen, Fort de Roovere, Fort Henricus, 已消失的Fort Moermont),及堡壘間相連的護城河和高堤,形成了抵禦敵人入侵的防線。戰事發生時,能在Steenbergen打開水閘引入海水,升高水位來保護自己。近年,這大部分埋沒在大自然間的水防線重見天日,城堤被復修後,也同時把部分濕地變成保護鳥類的自然保護區。 Last Sunday, we went to the West Brabant Waterline, which has been build in 1628. There were four fortresses, connected with moats and dam, to protect the area during wars.

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【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (2) Pag Island to Senj, Croatia

到Otok Pag的最北端Lun之後,我們折返島的中部乘Prizna – Žigljen線的渡輪回到陸地,然後續海岸公路往北到古城塞尼。 After arriving Lun at the north of Pag Island, we turned back to the centre part of the island to take the ferry Prizna – Žigljen to return to mainland. Then we continued our way to north to Senj, an old town at the  west coast of Croatia.

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【13夏】14-07。扎達爾 Zadar (1)

克羅地亞的第五大城市扎達爾,是個沿海城市。從這裡可以乘渡輪連人帶車地到意大利的Ancona,也可以在這裡參加出海一日遊Konati島嶼國家公園、或是多日遊到斯普利特等地。 Zadar is the 5th largest city of Croatia. You can travel from Zadar with ferry to Ancona of Italy, join the one day trip to Kornati National Park, or join the cruise trip to islands around Zadar or further to Split.

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【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特之戴克里先宮 Split, Croatia (2) Diocletian’s Palace

斯普利特古城區的戴克里先宮是當地的地標,亦是世界文化遺產之一。既然無法坐船出海遊島,我們就慢慢地在城裡閒晃。 Diocletian’s Palace is the landmark of Split and one of the world’s cultural heritage. As we could not join any boat tour to the islands nearby Split, we decided to enjoy our time by walking around in this old city area. 

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