20191112。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2019 (1)

恩荷芬光藝節又到了!今年是第十四屆,我第十次捧場。跟往年不同,今年選擇一個人走一圈,懷念以往有人耐心在旁等待,如今只能伴在心裡、自己往前走。無論如何,照片還是沒有少,來看看照片吧! It’s 14th GLOW in Eindhoven, and my 10th visiting to this light festival. This time, I miss the one who has accompanied me for years. However, I’m still able to catch a lot of photos and here’re the sharings.

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【18台馬澳】20180125。台南赤崁樓 Chihkan Tower (Fort Provintia) of Tainan

台南,台灣最早開發的城市,歷經荷治、明鄭、清領、日治等不同時期的統治,這裡的史蹟、人文及小吃美食等文化資源豐富,為歷史悠久的古都(參考維基)。1624-1662年,荷蘭人統治台灣38年,台南為其統治中心,亦留下不少歷史古蹟,其中以赤崁樓和安平古堡最具代表性。赤崁樓的原身為荷蘭人的普羅民遮城(Fort Provintia),為荷治時代的商業和行政中心。鄭成功擊退荷蘭人後,這裡就成了承天府。今日所見的赤崁樓為漢人在普羅民遮城上陸續興建的儒、道教廟祠,包括海神廟、文昌閣。這古蹟就在我們的酒店附近,吃過早餐就從這兒開始一天的旅程了。 Tainan is commonly known as the “Capital City” for its over 200 years of history as the capital of Taiwan under Koxinga and Qing Dynasty rule (see wikipedia). As Taiwan’s oldest urban area, Tainan was initially established by the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Fort Zeelandia and Fort Provintia were the ruling and…

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【18台馬澳】20180124。台南公園與成大榕園 Tainan Park & Banyan Garden of NCKU

我們約了同學六點在成大附近吃晚餐,於是下午四點才從酒店重新出發。這是巴特第一次來台南,就帶著他逛馬路,去台南公園和成大榕園。台南公園是我自己想去的,每天被無限台南(部落格)的追鷹日記熏陶,來台南當然得去看看有沒有鳳頭蒼鷹的踪影。至於成大榕園,那是台南的地標,當然得帶老外來鑑賞一下。晚上,跟同學俞萱和令如一家吃火鍋驅寒,歡聚暢言一番。 This was Bart’s first visiting to Tainan. After a short nap at hotel, we began our tour again by foot to Tainan Park and Banyan Garden at National Cheng Kung University. Then we met my classmates of HE96 nearby the university to have hotpot as dinner.

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【18台馬澳】20180124。高雄—台南 Kaohsiung to Tainan

這天,我們只在晚上約了老同學聚聚,所以決定悠哉地往北移動。從高雄到台南,我們選擇坐區間車(坐高鐵即貴也省不了什麽時間)。到了台南,繼續腳程去酒店。近徬晚,我們從赤崁樓、經台南公園到成大榕園,再去聚餐。這輯分享從高雄到台南的照片。 This day, we moved from Kaohsiung to Tainan by train. As we had only gathering with my NTNU classmates in the evening, we decided to take it easy. This post shares the pictures from Kaohsiung to Tainan. 

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄夜景 Kaohsiung at Night

晚上七點半,遊艇從紅毛港準時開回駁二碼頭,半個小時的航程讓我們欣賞高雄港的夜景。回到駁二,我們決定步行回去。途中經過愛河、城市光廊和美麗島站,還有再去東京酒場捧場一下。就這樣,高雄之旅就告一段落,次日北上台南囉。 We departed on 19:30pm from Hongmaogang to Pier-2. The 30 minutes journey has provided us a wonderful sightseeing in night. When we’re back to Pier-2, we decided to go back to our hotel by foot and enjoy the city’s night life on the way (since the wheather was nice). We have visted Love River,…

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄港景色 Harbour views of Kaohsiung

高雄港是台灣第一、世界第15大港口,原稱打狗港(Takau Port),現有百餘個碼頭(參考維基)。從駁二坐文化遊艇到紅毛港,航程約40分鐘,沿途盡是高雄港的景色。 The Port of Kaohsiung is the largest harbour in Taiwan. This port is also the “Takau Port” in history (wikipedia). Our cultural boat from Pier-2 to Hongmaogang travelled through the port and we could enjoy the harbour views the whole way. 

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄城市光廊JCAFE—駁二周邊 Urban Spotlight to Pier-2 of Kaohsiung

繞了中央公園小半圈,我們發現公園旁有棟特別的建築。走近看看,先看到蝙蝠車,才知道這是周董的JCAFE,於是決定進去休息一下。之後再慢慢走到駁二碼頭,發現離出發還有兩個小時,這是腳程太快?還是誤估了距離?沒關係,老外喜歡慢慢來,我們就買飲料、找地方坐坐,看書、賞景、拍照,自娛一番。 After walking around in Central Park, we found JCAFE nearby Urban Spotlight side. This is a restaurant owned by famous Taiwanese singer Jay Chou. We enjoyed a relaxing hour there and continued our way to the Pier-2 Art Center. When we arrived the pier, we realised that we were 2 hours too early for…

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