【China。七彩雲南】20140724。大理-麗江 Dali to Lijiang (1)

24日上午,我們從大理啟程往麗江,走大麗線S221省道,花了近四個半小時才抵達麗江古城。這趟路程,把我們從海拔1,900米帶到了2,400米,算是往更高海拔目的地的第一波。 In the morning of July 24th, we travelled 190km via the S221 Provincial Road, from Dali to Lijiang. We’re almost 4.5 hours on the way, through the mountains and valleys, from altitude of 1,900 m to 2,400 m. This is the first introduction in our journey through the mountain area, and it could be…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理古城 Dali Ancient City

依行程,我們在大理只停留一天,次日就繼續往麗江前進。這天上午,我們參觀了崇聖寺後,就在綿綿細雨中抵達大理古城。撐著傘、匆匆地在古城裡走了一小圈,又接著往蝴蝶泉。所以,遊玩洱海後,天氣甚好,就讓師傅把我們帶回古城自由活動。這樣就能悠哉地逛古城、登上五華樓賞景,入夜後才會酒店休息。 We stayed at Dali only for a single day. After visiting Chongsheng Temple, we arrived Dali Ancient City in rain. We could able to have a short tour in this old town and left to Butterfly Spring. This’s why we decided to visit this ancient city again after our last program, the cruise tour…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理洱海 Erhai Lake, Dali

下午兩點,我們從蝴蝶泉附近的碼頭乘坐杜鵑號遊輪遊洱海。洱海,長約40公里,寬約7-8公里,面積250平方公里,是雲南省第二大、中國第七大的淡水湖。兩個半小時的旅程,讓我們以很悠閒的方式感受洱海之大、蒼山之美,也為早晨匆促的行程來個緩衝。 14pm, we joined a cruise tour to enjoy the beauty of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain that surround the lake. Erhai is situated at 1,972 metres above sea level. In size, the North-South length of the lake is 40 kilometres and the East-West width is roughly 7–8 kilometres. Its area is 250 square kilometres,…

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20141205。布雷達剪影 Park Valkenberg, Breda

今天,從恩荷芬坐火車到布雷達巡店。在火車站與市中心之間有座漂亮的公園Park Valkenberg,原是布雷達城堡的花園。回程經過公園時,看到少見的雞群(一般都是鴨子、天鵝、候鳥之類)。當時氣溫大概攝氏五度,邊走邊拍,就這樣遇到了超級溫馨的母子圖。 Today, after visiting our store at Breda Centrum, I walked back to Breda Staion to take the train. I met this warmful family at Valkenberg Park nearby the Breda Castle.

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